WGU Prelicensure-Cedars Sinai-Oct, 2014

Nursing Students Western Governors

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Anyone out there anxiously waiting with me for news of acceptance to the October 1st cohort for Cedars Sinai? The excitement and suspense is really tough for me! My "nursing file" was complete and ready to go on February 2nd, which feels like about 25 years ago. All my eggs are in the basket...I don't really have other options. I'm trying to pass the time by re-reading my anatomy and Microbiology textbooks. :wideyed: Also taking others' advice about relaxing and enjoying free time in case I do start school soon. I'd love to hear from anyone else waiting. Good luck to all who have applied!

I just wanted to say that I'm excited to meet all 9 from our cohort. :]

I'm very much looking forward to that as well, grrl. I'll likely have the dubious distinction of being the oldest, at almost 49! :geek:

See you in October...

With age breeds wisdom, Sooner. ;)

And I'm excited, too!

**does more arm flailing**

Had my admissions meeting yesterday.

She said that the online orientation should be available to me mid-September, but no sooner- regardless of when my payment goes through. So, fyi.

Cool, thanks for sharing that. I have my intake today and admissions call tomorrow. I'm starved for information and I want to start NOW! It'd be great to do the orientation early.

Did you ask about the white shoes? LOL

Doh! Totally forgot. I've got to write this stuff down!

I'm just pretending to be funny. :D

**crosses fingers for comfort over style**

I did some digging. ;) From the Student Handbook, Prelicensure BSN Program Additional Policies:

"Footwear: Shoes should be white, clean, closed-toe, with non-skid soles and of non-porous material. Shoelaces must be white. Clogs are not acceptable. Heels are to be no greater than 1 inch in height."

Lovely! I actually have some New Balance athletic shoes that aren't too bad. They're all white leather. Fairly uncomfortable for the price, but I put some Superfeet inserts in them and I'm good to go.

Hi...I've been lurking! I'll be your counterpart down in OC come Oct. Huh...I wonder why clogs are unacceptable. When I was interning, last yr, that's all any of the female nurses wore. I hate touching laces to untie them after being on the floor for 12+ hours. Oh well.


Who am I kidding? I'll probably just go with some more Palladiums:


Hey Valens - maybe we'll see you at boot camp! Yes, it is odd they don't allow clogs when a lot of people wear them. Maybe some of the other clinical sites don't allow them so they have to be consistent across the board. Do you wear them? I think I would probably roll an ankle (or both)!

Geek, those shoes look pretty cool. Good ankle support. Did you buy them? You're probably used to being on your feet all day. Any tips for an old lady who's been sitting at a desk for 30 years? I have compression socks! :woot:

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