Published Nov 21, 2005
Adam D. RN2005
151 Posts
I completed my 15th week as an RN and, I am still loving it. I have not looked back once and I do not regret my decision to become an RN. Has there been stress? You bet. Have there been times I have felt overwhelmed? Definately. Have there been times that I have wanted to go running and screaming from the unit? Yeah, but that has been at the end of hard shifts. Have I goofed? Hey, I'm not perfect. But I have caught my mistakes before I started to give the meds.
My manager has started to use the words Good nurse in the same sentence when she referes to me. She now considers me to be a valuable asset to the unit. I have heard stories of my patients getting in touch with my manager to say that I was the best nurse they have ever had. I'll be honest, I have been humbled in this profession. I am just giving my patients the care and respect that they deserve.
One of my patients was good friends with the Chief Medical Officer of the Hospital I work at, I didn't find that out until my manager came to me a week later and told me the praise that CMO had for me through this patient.
I have gotten very good a getting an IV started on patients with tiny veins. What I am also showing in critical situations I have shown myself to be very calm.
I am proud to be an RN, and I do look forward to my shifts on the floor. I just can't believe in how successful I have become since I started. Now that I am about to start my 16th week as an RN and my 8th week alone. I am finding more and more that I can rely on my experience.
I have also learned to use my sense of humor on a daily basis. I have gotten so many patients to laugh. And my patients when I walk in are so happy to find out that I am their nurse. I guess I have made a difference in their lives. I am just doing my job to the best of my ability.
The nursing force is strong with me.
Adam D. RN
CardioTrans, BSN, RN
789 Posts
Way to go Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that your enthusiasm will continue until you retire!
186 Posts
Oh Adam!! I strive to be like you! Good to hear such a positive story. I am a newbie also. I look up just about everything (tests/procedures) I'm unfamiliar with. I think that's what helps me with my confidence. I strive to make ea. day better. I'm always asking questions. Keep in touch!!
rn in 3 years
153 Posts
That so great that you feel that way! Thank you for posting it. It gives encouragement to us students :) Wishing you much continued success
Larry77, RN
1,158 Posts
Glad to hear I'm not alone in my love for this profession. There seems to be a lot of frustration posted on here by new RN's but my experience has been similair to yours...a very positive one with lots of great feedback from both management and pt's/families.
I too am proud to call myself a "nurse" :)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,420 Posts
Nice to hear from you Adam. I'm glad that you have a healthy dose of self-esteem for when the times get rough. I hope after 15 years it's the same, just like me. :)
3 Posts
Ah! I can't wait until I can experience these same things.
So nice to know that somewhere, someplace there is nice people willing to go that extra step to make someone smile, and laugh. Keep up the good work!
225 Posts
That's good to hear! I'm glad you're doing well.
Your story is encouraging to me as someone who is just about to enter school. :)
489 Posts
Way to go Adam!
perfectbluebuildings, BSN, RN
1,016 Posts
Way to go Adam and Larry! I would love to be like you... well I will keep trying!! Thanks for the positivity.
jenrninmi, MSN, RN
1,976 Posts
Glad you're happy with your career. 98% of the time I feel the same way. Have a great vacation!