Published Dec 3, 2018
7 Posts
I was just wondering as a student are they testing you for nicotine? And If the weed is legal in your state are you risking losing ur license if shows that you are thc possitive?
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
Students are not typically tested for nicotine. Nurses and nursing students ARE typically tested for drugs. And yes, once you have a license, you're putting it at risk by using.
Nicotine testing seems to be becoming more common every day.
This is a great example of the type of question one should not ask using their actual picture.
138 Posts
I live in Colorado, and testing positive for THC will get you dismissed from every nursing school in the state, as far as I know. It definitely will with all of the programs I've looked into.
7,108 Posts
California has now legalized recreational weed as well as medicinal weed but it doesn't change anything about the consequences of testing positive for THC on pre-employment drug screens or random drug screens. Although I don't know for sure, I imagine this would apply to nursing students doing clinical rotations at the facilities who screen their employees.
Roy Hanson
211 Posts
Weed IS pot..and will alter your thinking! As opposed to cigarette, which its only the smell of a cigarette on your breath and clothing. Come nurses, wake up & do your research. THC & CBD are teh main ingredient, PLUS its been GMO's. It aint the pot we used to smoke in the old days. Its much strong, because kids want more bang for their buck..they got it.
nurse2033, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 2,133 Posts
Just because a drug is legal does not make it authorized. Some health care systems are only hiring non smokers, as is their right. They have the same right to hire non THC users. Good luck.
202 Posts
In some CA hospitals there is a don't ask don't tell policy. There is onboard testing, but after that, just don't come to work high. What you do on your own time is your business and if you consistently give safe patient care, you won't be questioned or randomly tested. In other words use responsibly. Alcohol is more dangerous, we all know this. Laws are going to change once the general public gets educated. California won't be able to fire people for THC content in their urine for very long in other systems, they will never find enough employees if they do. Times have changed, once the federal ban is lifted, the BON will have to reconsider their antiquated policies regarding cannabis. I don't condone drug or alcohol abuse in any way for the record. Hope this helps.
191 Posts
People should be able to use it if they want but people should also be able to NOT hire weedies if they dont want to.
Bet some of the posters here probably think it cures cancer lol
12 hours ago, Spadeforce said:People should be able to use it if they want but people should also be able to NOT hire weedies if they dont want to.Bet some of the posters here probably think it cures cancer lol
Or not hire people that use alcohol in their off-time too correct?
I am all for freedom so people should have the freedom to use what they want and businesses should be able to hire who they want.
You can answer your question off of that
Until it is federally legalized, I doubt testing positive for THC will NOT get you dismissed from the Nursing Program. Also, don't smoke, trust me, you'll function better without it.
4,161 Posts
On 1/17/2019 at 12:05 AM, Mr_Edwino said:In some CA hospitals there is a don't ask don't tell policy. There is onboard testing, but after that, just don't come to work high. What you do on your own time is your business and if you consistently give safe patient care, you won't be questioned or randomly tested. In other words use responsibly.
In some CA hospitals there is a don't ask don't tell policy. There is onboard testing, but after that, just don't come to work high. What you do on your own time is your business and if you consistently give safe patient care, you won't be questioned or randomly tested. In other words use responsibly.
How is it different than any other hospital in the country? They test you when they hire you. As long as you don't come to work high or screw up and have to be drug tested, you wont be caught.
You are not saying that they will not fire you for coming up positive.