We need a Nursing TV show

Nurses General Nursing


Boy there are lots of scenarios in our world. Doctors and ER folks have "ER", MD's have "Scrubs"-so I think we should have a TV show. :idea: Maybe a show about life in an acute care med-surg nursing unit, we see everyone for alot-even got a couple of pregnant ladies--and I've only been in med-surg for 7 mo! That would show the public what we all about! Let's discuss.......... Episode 1 is an intro to lets say, 7West...........

I am very amased that more true documentaries have not been done on the state of real nursing in America today, but a show based on nursing on a unit with real situations would have possible nursing student canidates running for cover. NO WAY are they going to even apply once they really get exposed to our real world. I am the daughter of a nurse who is a granddaughter of a nurse and my daughter is a nurse. We knew what we were doing sort of, but stepping into this chaos without proper infield training is dangerous to most students. Over half quit before the first year is completed. JMHO.

Another good reason why experience as A CNA should be a prerequisite for admission into higher levels of nursing programs. We'd be doing everyone a favor by weeding out the unsuitable personalities as early in the game as possible.

Another good reason why experience as A CNA should be a prerequisite for admission into higher levels of nursing programs. We'd be doing everyone a favor by weeding out the unsuitable personalities as early in the game as possible.

No room for "princessess" where I work. Plan on getting your hands dirty here if your an RN.

all of a sudden Aussie rocks! we have All Saints, this great show that's based in the ER of a sydney hospital. it used to be set on ward 17, which seemed to get everything from CVAs to Gunshot wounds to Paeds, but the ward got closed due to budgeting issues. they get understaffed, they fight with hospital officials, they fight with the doctors, they have petty differences, and they go to the pub after work for a drinkypoo or two. it's great!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I agree, a "real" one that will educate the public as well

I have worked hospital, SNF, ALF, Homecare and Hospice. The hospital nurses seem to be the only ones that get portrayed, albeit badly, on TV. I would love to write a show about nurses...and have every episode be about the different types of nursing. Although hospital nursing was a trip..nothing compares to home care and hospice. Now, i think I have seen it all. More than enough to fill up many seasons with interesting and unbelievable scenarios.


even though nurses are doing things I've never seen done in a real hospital, and even though the soap opera-ish aspects of the show focus on the baby docs. The show's nurses don't parade around in starched whites with clipboards and act as glorified secretaries taking messages for doctors, and trust me, that is progress. Most of us don't consider docs to be dating material, so that part needs a lot of work. Also, no night nurse has a phone next to her bed with the ringer on and no answering machine attached. You'd think a nurse on their advisory staff would have caught that howler.

They do us a real service when they touch on staffing problems that prevent nurses from giving emotional support to patients who need it, that staffing cuts mean physical care and that's it. They do a disservice when the occasional M&M segment fails to address staffing shortages as part of the problem in picking up complications in a timely enough manner to save patients suffering, injury, and possible death.

The one show that treated nurses the most fairly was a very short lived one that featured Conchata Ferrell as an ER nurse who functioned in a very realistic manner and who wasn't on the make for any joker in a white coat.

I have no idea why they don't focus more on nurses. Gawd knows most of us have enough soap opera-ish aspects to our lives that story lines would be abundant. I suppose we're still suffering from the "angel in white" versus "Media star queen" double standard, and that makes producers uncomfortable with the idea.

Goats'r'us mentioned this earlier in the thread and summed the show up nicely!

"ALL SAINTS" has been a successful show here in Australia for a few years now. It's the most realistic show I've ever seen in regards to the nursing profession or even the whole hospital setting (in the Aussie setting).

We've just started getting "Grey's Anatomy" and "House" over here. I find these shows entertaining, but SOOOO UNREALISTIC from the nursing point of view! I thought "Scrubs" wasn't too bad!


Specializes in premies, peds, adults.

what about real nurses writing the scenario? "I need a 22 French stat, my pt needs a cleansing enema" Really, who understands code brown? the exhaustion, the need for caffeine, the need for a lift team, and how much fun it is to cross a picket line when the local union is striking and it's the dieticians, cna's and your friends?

Does "daily trials" include backstabbing your coworkers while taking care of patients? I just wondered If we want the public to know the real truth.Or trying to look good at anyone's expense? That would be a little too much reality.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that there is NO reason why a quality show could not be produced which not only presents nursing in a positive light, but acknowledges their daily trials and struggles as well.

OK, I'll be quiet now.


Specializes in heading for NICU.

It's not the same as a regular tv show but there will be a web-cast Nursing tv show at nursetv.com. It's supposed to air soon. They are putting 6 nurses in a house together and will be video taping their travel assignments in Cali.

Boy there are lots of scenarios in our world. Doctors and ER folks have "ER", MD's have "Scrubs"-so I think we should have a TV show. :idea: Maybe a show about life in an acute care med-surg nursing unit, we see everyone for alot-even got a couple of pregnant ladies--and I've only been in med-surg for 7 mo! That would show the public what we all about! Let's discuss.......... Episode 1 is an intro to lets say, 7West...........
Specializes in ER, NICU, NSY and some other stuff.

You go right ahead and keep em coming Thunderwolf.

I love it.

it was called Nightengales-but the nurses of America at the time felt

nurses should not be nurses and have sex

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