Published Aug 9, 2010
15 Posts
Hi everybody,
Im sure this is a frequently asked question...but does anyone know how long it takes to get registered in the states approximately? And does anyone know which is the easiest state to proceed through?
And if there anyone out there studying for nclex who would like to catch up in the future let me know :)
98 Posts
Might be best to try the general forum...
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
It depends on many things:
Your nursing degree
What country you come from?
Your level of experience.
Whether you have citizenship here or legal ability to work here?
If not a citizen, are you married to a citizen?
Where you intend to practice?
Currently from what I hear, for BSN nurses from Asia, it is estimated easily 5 years or more to obtain a green card in the US, due to retrogression.
While getting an H1B is faster, there are very few of those issued and you must be experienced in a needed specialty and solicited from one of the few facilities that offer those.
Wow thats intense. In 5 years I want to be back around this side of the world.
I have 2 years of paediatric experience, trained in new zealand, worked in Australia and do not have any ties to America except friends who I have met while travelling.
Sounds like Id be better going over and working as a nanny...although I would much prefer to work as a nurse I'm not willing to wait 5 years though!
27 Posts
I agree to Caroladybelle that it depends on many things. I passed my Nclex last year and I had my job offer to work in California but because of retrogression, issuance of green card visa will take longer. According to the hospital attorney, I need to wait maybe longer to get the visa as there are so many applicants and yet green card visas are very limited at the moment due to retrogression. Another factor is I am a filipino but british citizen and working here in London.
so how long has the process taken from application to the board...and which board did you apply through?
Maria Lenore,RN
78 Posts
I know Australia Is open now , for nurses check immigration in Australia and they have program in Australia for nurses ACFE
Slightly confused about this response? I want to go to america...I already work in Australia but am a New Zealand Citizen
111 Posts
Hey Tannera
I am a kiwi that was raised in over here in the States.
I am married to an American so came through on a marriage visa, but let me tell you that was even a long process and lots of red tape to get through!!!
I just received my ATT from the Florida BON and i found them to be really good and very helpful. I think all up the process for me has taken around a year, but in saying that there has been mistakes made by other parties that has slowed the process down.
I would suggest that the first thing you do get any make up courses done (Our degrees are a little different than the US one and more often than not you will be required to take on extra courses i.e i had to do maternity) then you can get your degree evaluated.
If i can answer any other questions feel free to contact me!
Good luck!!! It is possible to do i just think it will take you a while
(ps: if i had a choice of coming here without my degree and just working doing nanny work, daycare etc i WOULD NOT DO IT.
The money is terrible!!!!!!!!!
If any Aussies read this (in America) where can i get bloody vegemite :-)
135 Posts
For the love of pete... WHY do you want to come here if you live in australia??? I'm thinking of moving THERE when I get my degree!!!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
Let me move this to the International Forum as you will probably find more answers from others that are trying to move to the US.