Waiting on Ivy Tech acceptance letters thread

U.S.A. Indiana


I thought it might be nice to have a place for us to vent our frustrations with waiting until May 30th or so when letters start going out. I know I'm going nuts already!

How about introductions and a little info about each person?

I'm applying to both Bloomington and Indy-Lawrence for the Fall 2009 ASN programs. I turned in my apps this week with 4 As on the pre-reqs and a 90.0 on the TEAS. My eventual goal is at least getting a BSN, and if I feel like doing homework long enough, an MSN of some sort. I work full time now, but will hopefully only work part time if I get accepted. I'm so antsy to start preparing and finally feel like all of this is real!

Thanks Lennon for the thought, but I think there are people ahead of me on the alternate list for the ASN program.

Yes Melissa-I was living in Illinois and my 3.83 GPA for all classes was a sure seat there, but we moved here to Indy in Dec08 and everything is different. So with only the 4 classes- ANPII is my only B, it has put me back- I would have started This past Jan 09- hard pill to swallow considering my husband got laid off from that job in April. So here I am! I am not complaining --I believe God sends you on journey's for a reason- I just want to go in a different direction now!!! Yes, I am taking the class over this summer for the Spring 10 and I better make it happen since I am passing my seat in the PN program! (I think?)

Sunshine, that's such a mess! I'm so inspired by your positive attitude though! Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

Meanwhile, I'm just waiting and waiting here with the other Fort Wayne folks.

I just heard about this site last night from another girl in my microbiology class. I am a student at Ft. Wayne and am pleased to say that my letter from Ivy Tech came this morning. I got into the ASN program, finally after weeks of stressing I can breathe a little easier! Good Luck to all of you that have not heard yet and to those of you from Ft. Wayne that get accepted, I will see you in July!

Someone from Fort Wayne got a letter!!! Wooooo!!!! CONGRATS!!!

ksiz19 welcome! what was your total score? did you apply for both programs? are you stalking your mailperson like the rest of us? i think my mailman is convinced that i have a thing for him... :anbd:but really i am just waiting (impatiently) for my letter.

TK412 OMG!!!! CONGRATS!!!!! what was your score?????

Lora (Sunshine), I'm sorry about the psych class mixup--but at least they are fixing it. If you decide to wait and apply again for spring, I'll be applying and waiting with you!

Congrats to those who have received letters!

I applied to both programs with a score of 202. Thankfully that was enough.

sunshine- glad the mixup was fixed and you got in!

Yogi- I am giving up my Btown spot so I hope it goes to you! I know another ASN person giving their spot up as well. so fingers crossed to you!

After stalking the mailman as he went around the subdivision for the past 20 minutes, I finally got my letter for Fort Wayne!!

I got accepted to the ASN Program!!!!! Ahhhhh!!! I am so excited (and a little overwhelmed, but mostly excited!) I can't wait to hear the news from the rest of the Fort Wayne group!!



VictoriaM and TK412!!!!!

Congratulations VictoriaM and TK412! Glad to hear FtWayne has the mailman busy this weekend for you guys.

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