VERY sick 6 y/o....


my good friends son is in the hospital...

serious hx of allergies - food and other

1 1/2 wks ago had strep/ given pcn.

3 days ago....lesions inside mouth and throat, unable to eat/drink. swollen face, red eys - brought to pedi and admited to Texas Childrens...

now - dx - staph - viral infection - on antivirals...

on IV fluids, started mso4 last night.

I am really worried. The docs are saying it is an agressive form of staph and "viral infection" He's not getting better.

I guess I am looking for prayers for this poor little boy and his family. Also any input.

I was thinking SJS..(i know it's rare)...I just don't know. I am going to sit with him tonight for a few hours so that the parents can spend some time together at home with their other child.

I'll post some more after I "see" him.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

wow scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope this lil person gets better soon!!! keep us posted.

Specializes in Geriatrics, LTC.

Of course he is in our prayers! Keep us posted.

I don't have anything clinical to offer. I hope this little guy gets better. My oldest child also became very ill after recieving PCN for strep (no hx of allergy she had it before w/o problems, though she had developed intermittent hives in response to foods we were unsure of what about 1 month before) when she was 8 years old. Months later she was dx'd w/ JRA/Still's disease. Her sx's were somewhat different than this little boy's, but I know how awful it is to have a sick little one and the cause is unknown. It's scary for everyone involved. She's 16 now and her rheumatologist says he's almost ready to say she's in remission. Tell your friend to keep pushing the medical staff if they aren't being aggressive enough in dx'ing and tx'ing this child. One dr. said my child hadn't been sick long enough for him to be alarmed (it was 3 months at that time). Needless to say, I switched physicians. Maybe an immunology consult w/ a ped specialist. Hopefully, it will be easier for him to get the care he needs at the Children's hospital, than if he was at home. My daughter had so much aching and a temp of 103 every evening, the ped had her coming in several times a week for weeks and couldn't arrange a consult w/ anyone because they were all booked up. I was ready take my daughter to the peds ER at Hopkins or U of Md just so someone would see her. I will remember him and his familyin my prayers and hope you'll be writing soon that he's doing much better.

:eek: :eek: Sounds very similar to what my daughter has right now!!!!! She had strep but was given Erythromycin. 2 weeks later....she now has these spots/lesion type things on her mouth and tongue, red eyes (thought it was pink eye) and her face is swollen!!! Thought it might be from steroid use (she has Hx asthma and allergies). Took her to doc who seemed less than concerned, took another swab for strep and sent me home. Told me to give her "warm drinks":uhoh3:

Wonder if I shouldn't take her back in pronto after hearing this!!! My prayers are with you and this little one. Keep posted.

My sister's 6 year old had similar episode and was finally diagnosed with herpes simpex I. It appears that the first outbreak can be a doosie.

Specializes in ICU.

He is definitly in my prayers. This is a scary situation. I hope he feels better.

:eek: :eek: Sounds very similar to what my daughter has right now!!!!! She had strep but was given Erythromycin. 2 weeks later....she now has these spots/lesion type things on her mouth and tongue, red eyes (thought it was pink eye) and her face is swollen!!! Thought it might be from steroid use (she has Hx asthma and allergies). Took her to doc who seemed less than concerned, took another swab for strep and sent me home. Told me to give her "warm drinks":uhoh3:

Wonder if I shouldn't take her back in pronto after hearing this!!! My prayers are with you and this little one. Keep posted.

yikes! sounds like Isaac! is she able to drink??? Isaac's major px was dehydration....lost 6#.

Let us know how she's doing ok?

thanks for all the prayers and info....I'll post later tonight.

Wow thats really scary! I hope he gets better fast! . I will make sure I keep him and his family in my prayers.

The reason she is not being looked at seriously is that she can eat and drink, although it sounds as though she is having difficulty swallowing a bit.

Who knows! I give up on doctors right now, I am frustrated

This little one seems really sick. I hope the news is better when you post later tonight. His whole family are in my thoughts and prayers! :o

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