Published May 27, 2006
27 Posts
Hi, I am currently under contract with American mobile. I originally wanted to extend my current contract, however I have changed my mind. Even though I havent signed the new contract my company is telling me that I can't change my mind. Does anyone know if this is true? Since I havent signed the new contract I dont see how they can force me to do anything. HELP! Hoyt69
nightingale, RN
2,404 Posts
You are saying verbal contract; did you agree to something? Is your written contract expired? Please provide the details so we can answer appropriately.
I am on my 6th week of a 13 week contract. My recriuter called to set up my next job, I asked if my current job was interested in keeping me- she said she would find out. A couple of days later she called and said yes they were and a new contract would be sent to me. (this was last week). this week I began have second thoughts about renewing, my recruiter said I couldn't. I live in my own home and receive a subsidy from the facility, I am not looking to break my current contract, I just don't want to renew. It seems to me since I haven't signed any new contract, which would start July 18th, 2006 I should be able to change my mind.
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
If it's not in writing it's not legal is my motto.
The only trouble is if they tape your phone conversations. Be careful you DON'T acknowledge that you agreed to stay.
I agree about it not being in writing, but how do lawyers feel about it,lol Also, doesn't the travel company have to tell you they are tape recording your conversation?
renerian, BSN, RN
5,693 Posts
I was talking to someone at a company who told me verbal acceptance was considered a contract in their eyes but I am not a lawyer. I did not accept.....or say boo for that matter.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Sounds like they are trying to use scare tactics with you.
The bigger concern that I see is that you live in your home, and they are providing you with a housing subsidy, I hope that you are aware that the money received by you for the housing will not be tax deductible for you, and you will owe taxes on it. Not sure if they told you this or not.
Good point suzanne.
actually, the subsidy is taxed so i dont have to worry about that, but thank you. and i agree, i think they are trying to scare me. not sure what i will do yet. will go with the flow for now and then decide once they send me the actual contract.
renarian,did you end up having problems with the company, legal or otherwise?
Hoy, I did not accept the assignment so I was not in trouble. I thought it was odd that yes, there was a recorded message that the calls were taped.
Please let us know how it works out for you.
Nurse Ratched, RN
2,149 Posts
Let's put it this way - if they promoised you an extension and it fell through before the contract was signed, would they honor it?