VENT: Moldy roommate


Specializes in Transplant/Surgical ICU.

I live in a university owned 2 bedroom apartment, and I share a room with the most inconsiderate, immature 26 year old I have ever met.

Since she moved in last quarter I have tried to find at least one sensible thing about her, but I must say it has been very hard. Anyway, I was washing the dishes when I noticed that her loaf of bread (which was on top of the refrigerator) was growing mold. She was sitted in the living room watching TV, so I told her about it. She took the loaf of bread and put it in the refrigerator. Yes, she took the bread from the top of the refrigerator and put it inside. I was so shocked I asked her why she would put it in there. She said it was none of my business and she did not see why I was getting so worked up about it. I told her the mold would only spread to our (mine and the other 2 girls) food. She told me it was covered in a bag, and I should leave her alone.

I go into my room, angry and disgusted of course. But I tried to keep my cool. I googled up mold, and found an article that explaine dthe dangers of mold and what to do with moldy food or surfaces. I showed her the article (I left the computer with her) and went back to studying. About an hour later I went to get my computer, and I asked her if the article was helpful. She immidiately went off on me stating that I was always on her case. That I had to leave her and her bread alone. She called me a nazi and stated that I should have never pointed out the moldy bread. That thats the only reason she moved it to the refrigerator. I tried to explain to her that it is unsanitary for her to leave moldy food in the refrigerator and that I was not going to have it. I also told her that if she was offended by me pointing out her moldy bread she should have to me that from the start. At this point Im yelling at her. Hey you dont call me a nazi without getting some sort of reaction! She called me a b**** and I called her a dirty pig! Okay maybe Im getting a lil too detailed but you get my gist...

I ended the conversation by telling her I would report her to the RA, and I did. The RA left her a note (she left befor the RA got there) stating that she had to trash the moldy bread. As I type that bread is procreating in my refrigerator!

I dont understand why some people cannot use their common sense. I really dont. I am soooo angry. No more playing nice. I will apologize to her for yelling at her, but I will keep my distance. I cant wait to graduate and move out. At least I can hope move in with compatible characters.

Thanks for listening guys. Oh, if you have any suggestions on how to handle or if you feel I was wrong in being so forward please tell. Words of wisdom always help.

Have you talked to your other roommates about this matter? It seems like if you had a group effort in the home that maybe that will help. Though I could personally see it going two ways. She is either going to get the hint if all of you chip in as to way its so bad to have moldy food around, or she might feel like your ganging up on her and it could make the situation even worse. I would suggest being very suttle at first. And theres always the option of just throwing away the food which ultimately is not your responsibility but it would be better for your health. Either way I wish the best for you :)

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

She's entrenched in defense. She is sooo not gonna do anything you want her to @ this point!

Just toss the bread. Clean the frig/whatever it was on or in. Get her something cute to 'honor' the memory of the bread--i.e., make her laugh about it.

You're either going to have to move or deal w/her. Hatch a plan w/the others to get her up to speed, GENTLY and, as much as possible, unjudgemently!!! If you force it, forget it, she'll never change.


Specializes in Transplant/Surgical ICU.

I dont want to trash her stuff, because I dont want her saying Im violating her property. But, as soon as my other roomates walked in the door I told them about it. They agree that it is disgusting and one of them actually threatened to trash the bread, but I stopped her. I want her to see the note from the RA and trash it herself. But now that I think about it I should have allowed my other roomie to trash it so I dont look like the only person that feels it needs to stay outside the refrigerator. I dont know, Im trying so hard to respect her as a person and all I ever get from her is insults to my character. Oh well, I guess I cant be everyone's friend!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

A safer and longer way to store bread is to put it in the freezer. You take out the slices as you need them and make sure you close the package up tightly. It will keep for a couple of months this way and never develop mold although over more than a couple of months it will dry out. It only takes about 15 minutes for a slice of bread to thaw out in room air and it is as good as fresh.

Call me crazy, but if it were me, next time I would toss the bread and if she complained, I'd tell her it was not edible and give her a buck for a new loaf....

Throw away the bread before you both end up with mold spores in your lungs.

Specializes in Psych/Rehab/Family practice/Oncology.

Hey, when my son was in college, he shared an apt. with a kid that just refused to clean up after himself. This went on for some time, and they were supposed to be sharing chores, etc. Finally, after trying everything else to get this kid to do his moldy dishes, my son wrote a note saying THE DISHES BETTER BE DONE WHEN I GET HOME OR ELSE! This he stuck in the door with a knife! The dishes got done! I'm just sayin'!!!

I would have just thrown it seems crazy to have a huge fight about bread and then to complain to an outside source about it.

If it was moldy and she hadn't noticed, she probably wasn't too attatched to it, anyway.

It's sooo difficult living with someone else. You do have my sympathy.;)

Your roomie doesn't sound very hospitable. Hope her bad habits aren't any worse than leaving her moldy bread around. She could be a real health hazard to the others.

Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.

ugh how i hated some of my roomates when i was in college many years ago.. it is so hard to live with people who grew up differently .. i had a roomate that wouldn't wash her dishes.. we ( another girl and I) piled her dirty dishes on her bed.. what did she do .. she pushed them all the dirty dishes on the floor and left them there.... i could tell you many horror stories.. i'll tell you what i told my daughter ( she had the same problem ) and just pick new roomates next year.. ignore that girl and move out .. she won't change..keep me posted

Specializes in Transplant/Surgical ICU.

Updat on the situation: She trashed the bread after the RA left a note stating she had. But now she doesnt talk to me. I have said hi to her, but have received no response. She walks into the room and does not say a word to me. Basically she ignores me. I think its childish and keeps a lot of tension in the air, but if this will result in a peaceful environment then Im in. I'm not gonna push it. Ill just leave things the way they are until she is ready to act like an adult. Although I must say that she has got a nerve using my tv while she ignores me!

Thanks for the great words guys. I will not move out now because I graduate in June and I only pay $465 (very affordable for a student). So I will hang in here. The other two roomates rock, so it makes it worth it. Thanks again

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