UTMB Fall 2012

U.S.A. Texas


HI! I am applying for the traditional BSN program at UTMB that starts Fall 2012. I am taking my TEAS this friday and I wanted to know if anyone else here is applying for the same semester. Hopefully there are others so I don't have to be nervous alone!! :D

To all of those who have been admitted...I am really excited to meet you soon! How many of you plan on living in Galveston? and have you been looking for places?

nessa - don't stress. the professors rock! they WANT you to succeed! it's such a cool place/atmosphere. orientation is LOOOOONG. i don't recommend having a job while in the program (unless absolutely necessary or one of those FWS jobs where you work as few hours as possible & on your own schedule as clinical schedules change as do lectures. other schools i've taken classes at you are just a number, whereas UTMB the professors actually engage with you & go above & beyond

Thanks for the info :)

I love to hear that ckj! That is why UTMB is my top choice. I have heard that same sentiment from so many of their students, that it must be true! :redpinkhe

AustinC- I have not been accepted yet, however I do live in Galveston now. Send me a PM, I would be happy to help you out!

Does anyone know if the interview process is complete? I'm starting to wonder if I'll get an interview or not. I applied on time with a 3.9 GPA, 89 TEAS V, and I thought my personal statement was strong... I applied at UTHSC and TWU although UTMB was my first choice. really getting a little nervous and starting to wonder if i fell through a cyber crack while they were reviewing apps. I'll be rather devestated if i am denied without an interview! I've upped my running mileage quite a bit to help combat the stress, although i still can't stop checking my email! AND I run through the med center each day, so it doesnt really keep mind off all this waiting that well! Good luck to all that have completed the interview process!

they're not done w/ interviews, ur GPA & TEAS aren't the only things they look @. personal statement is a biggie, and they look a lot @ number of attempts at classes, withdrawals, fails, retakes, etc. don't get discouraged, they've accepted people w/ lower GPAs & better reasoning for it and denied those who looked gr8 on paper. they look at the applicant as a whole which is 1 of the many reasons i HEART them! :) patience!

Just got an acceptance email! Email time was 10:07am! Wahooo!!!!

Congrats! Looks like today's the day!!


Congrats KT! I can't wait to meet all of my classmates!!!

Wahoo congratulations rmegster! Orange scrubs here we come!

Just got my acceptance e-mail too!!! :w00t: Now it's get busy time, I have 3 or 4 shots to get! UGH!!!! Have my background done and my CPR, thank goodness! Congrats to all the others who have been accepted too! Class of 2013 here we come!

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