UTMB Fall 2012

U.S.A. Texas


HI! I am applying for the traditional BSN program at UTMB that starts Fall 2012. I am taking my TEAS this friday and I wanted to know if anyone else here is applying for the same semester. Hopefully there are others so I don't have to be nervous alone!! :D

nurse 821- was it a moving violation? You can exclude those in Texas.

If not, I'm not sure the school wants to know about it, except for when you submit to a background check. At the Feb info session, one of the deans told us to not include things like MIP's in our essay, but to be forthcoming during the background check.

You can always call anonymously and ask.

Hope it works out for you!

On the application you were suppose to disclose any misdemeanor or felonies. It wasn't the personal statement area, it was separate. That section was the only place to admit, I was told that if you didn't disclose that info then and something comes up on your background check, they can withdraw tour letter of acceptance. I would call the school and ask anonymously what to do. PM me, because I can give you a name of who is one of the few who would are any of of that info. My friend was told NOT to share anything like that with anybody who won't see that info. Apparently there are MANY who will judge a person no matter what the offense.

I misunderstood the question on the application because I was for the longest time under the impression that I was not convicted for the crime so I didn't want to disclose it. It was After talking to a lawyer recently that I found out I was actually convicted and that it would show on my background check. I'm honestly not trying to hide anything in my past and I really want them to know that but at the same time I don't know how to go about telling them now and have it not jeopardize my chance of getting accepted.Hemphia- I can't pm because I haven't posted enough or something..Thanks guys!

Nurse821 - check your mailbox. It allowed me to PM you.

i am guessing that since i have not seen a post from anybody who interviewed last week saying that they have been accepted, that they have not sent anything out yet. i think at this point i am giving up stalking my email. i will go into my account settings and turn off email alerts.... this way i don't have to silence my phone. maybe that will keep me from checking my email every time i hear "ding" :uhoh3: i never thought that any one sound would make me jump so much!! :bugeyes: if i don't post for a while, don't worry i am still here. just pm me, or send me a friend add... atleast maybe i will see the msg when i check my email once a day... i am done feeling crazy for them!! :lol2:

committee meets every other friday, emails/letters go out the following week. good luck to all. can't wait to start in august w/ you guys

Ckjckj - how did you find this information out? Did you call them?

i work at UTMB

@ckjckj I was told that the committee meets every Monday to discuss the previous weeks candidates. She told me they would be meeting on Monday but it could take up to 4 weeks for us to hear something but it would likely be sooner than that.

On another note, does anyone know where we can take an upper level Pharmacology or Patho class that will transfer in so that our course load is a little less? I have been looking and the only ones that I have seen are Junior/community colleges and they are not upper level.... :( I am ready to get this Nursing School Party started.... :lol2:

I took patho @ COM & it counted as my elective science. committee meets EOF to review apps, every Monday to discuss/decide, but shifts between BSN & MSN. i took pharm at Lee & HCC & neither will txfr, but the knowledge will be beneficial in pharm/pathopharm.

Specializes in Psych, OB-GYN.

@Amy - only courses taken at a 4 yr university will transfer in, and it is on a case-by-case basisat the discretion of the course coordinator.

While a patho course at a CC won't count, it is beneficial to have knowledge going in, though what you will get at UTMB is much more in-depth.

@ Punkydoodles thanks for the info! Do you have any additional info? I read in one of your posts that you have info for those already accepted.

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