UTHSC Traditional BSN Fall 2016 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hello everyone:D

I have seen various threads for previous applicants that applied to the UT Houston School of Nursing. I was not able to find a thread for UTHSC Fall 2016 applicants so I decided to start one. If a thread already exists, I am sorry. I will also be applying to TWU-Houston and UTMB. I know the process is stressful, so I will try to make it easier. I will be attending the May 22 info session at UT and the May 28 one at TWU. I will be sure to update any information discussed in the sessions for those who are not able to attend. If there are any previous applicants, or current and previous students, I would appreciate if you could join and share your experience in the school as well as your application process.

I look forward to talking to everyone who is going through this nursing journey.:)


When are you planning on taking your HESI? I know it's still pretty early, but I'm just curious!

I was at the info session today at UT-Houston Nursing school. It was a lot of information but they were really nice, and they answered my questions. I'm hoping to apply for next summer 2016. I only have a few classes left and I want to prepare for the HESI exam. Did anyone have the info on the HESI book that we need to prepare? Let me know. Thanks!

I was there too! I'm hoping to get in fall 2016. I have the book that they were talking about. It's called HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review edition 3. It's elsevier's review book.

Hello Lindsay,

I will be finishing all my pre-req this Fall. I only need Microbiology and Chemistry. Does applying one month before the deadline affect me, since i will not be done until december 2015.

Hello Lindsay,

I will be finishing all my pre-req this Fall. I only need Microbiology and Chemistry. Does applying one month before the deadline affect me, since i will not be done until december 2015.

No it won't. You can apply before though! I got accepted with in-progress courses. I just finished Chem and A&P II so those weren't factored into my GPA when I got my acceptance. As long as you are done with those classes by the time school starts, you can apply whenever.

Hello Lindsay,

I will be finishing all my pre-req this Fall. I only need Microbiology and Chemistry. Does applying one month before the deadline affect me, since i will not be done until december 2015.

Hey moni_1992! If you feel ready to take the plunge, you can apply for the Spring 2016 session! I'll be done with all my prereq's Dec.2015 as well. I'll be taking my last 4 classes with Micro being one of them. So far I have completed AP I & II (what they will see on my transcript) and I'm taking Chem the 2nd half of summer. I've read of many being accepted and completing their last few prereq's the semester before the program starts. Good luck!

I will be applying for the Summer 2016 and Fall 2016. I just took the Hesi yesterday. My composite score was 95.33% with a 980 in critical thinking. I have currently have a 4.0 in Science and pre-reqs. The Elsevier guide is good for most of the subjects, but I would definitely study for AP. The book is just a general overview and most of the questions came from my AP classes.

So I'm going to be one of those applicants who will have at least 40 hours but not exactly 60 hours credit at the deadline. When will we have to finish all the credit hours after the deadline??? I'm freaking out:nailbiting:

I finished my HESI today! :laugh: 90% overall YAY

I finished my HESI today! :laugh: 90% overall YAY

Congratulations!:laugh: Sorry for the delayed response. I actually do not have a date planned out for my HESI. The problem is that I will be taking AP-1 in the fall and I want to be halfway done with the course before scheduling my exam date. How long did you study for the exam?

@J-Murse23 yeah that's a smart idea. I've been studying for at least 10 hours a week for three months, but ive heard of people who study for just one month and do fine


How in depth was the AP section? I imagine that the other sections are pretty straight forward. I am guessing when you took your Hesi, that you already had taken AP-1/2.

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