UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

U.S.A. Texas


Anyone????? besides me waiting on that interview letter for nursing school to come already?????????????? :plsebeg: Have you completed all your pre-reqs? what cha got left? care to share your GPA?

I am in the works of completeing my last pre-req...Physiology sooo far its been my fav. class its better than anatomy. GPA 3.5 microbio and physio not inlcuded. (I wish I didn't suck at comp. 1 I got a C in that class you guys!)

I emailed Debbie (she's the head hancho of the program. They are very good at replying like a minute later to your emails :typing and also very good at answering all phone calls) I asked about how I should go about registering for the TEAS entrance exam...she said on the same day you do your interview you also take the TEAS exam!

WHAT??? :banghead: is what I thought to myself sooo...I basically have till the month of April to study for that sucker!

Specializes in Med/Surg/Diabetes/Oncology.

yeah I live in an apartment and when I got to the mail box the first letter I saw was from them I totally had the biggest smile EVER! haha I was all scandelous and what not...a neighbor was like "whose having a baby?" I was totally caught off guard by his comment and just laughed...I got my cell and started calling the fam. bugging them at work haha...Thank God for Aznplayr he is totally our mentor for this process haha...

Hnhoang...yeah It said group interview on my letter as well...hmm...I wonder how that's gonna go down?

What parts of TX yall from by the way? or maybe parts of the US? I dunno...but Im in Austin, Tx. Congrats on yall's letters again! GEt to studying now!:yeah::):wink2:

i'm from houston so i need to start making plans to go there.

I'm from outside of San Antonio... it's country-ish. Nearest town is 8 miles away. I did my studying during spring break, now it's back to school!

hello all, i am so glad i found this trail of messages! :D

i currently live in Virginia and will be going down for the interview/test on the 30th of this month. Any one out there going on the same day? :wink2:

hope to hear from someone soon!

Specializes in Med/Surg/Diabetes/Oncology.

Hi Oln2!

thats soo cool youre coming from Virginia...did you purchase the TEAS study guide? or are you going to wing it? my exam and interview is this friday in the AM...what made you decide to do nursing school in Texas??? just wondering...well take care! oh one more thing...how's the weather in Virginia??? hehe

thanks for the quick reply pNp!

I did purchase the TEAS study guide but my with my two classes right now and crazy work schedule, I only get to look over it on the weekends.

I'm originally from Texas. :nmbrn:

I guess if you still consider El Paso part of Texas. :-) and the weather here in VA is terrible! Its been COLD and raining since last Wednesday/Thursday? Hopefully, this will work out and I can go back to WARM, SUNNY TEXAS!


Specializes in ICU.

Nice nice we just took an exam the Monday after our spring break! haha bummer! Friday day interview eh? I get out of class at like 10:00 am and I usually watch the price is right during my wait for the next class in the nursing lounge hahaha

Maybe if i see ya i'll stop by and say hi! GL on your interview! btw you have experience it looks like prettynpurple are you applying for the Bacc2 program?

Hi, I have an interview at UTHSC on March 26th. I talked to someone recently who said they had their interview scheduled for today March 18th. If any of you have completed your interviews how was it?

Is this group interview a group of interviewers and one of you? or is it a group of applicants all at the same time with one interviewer? Sorry, I haven't heard of this type of interviewing. I'm busy studying for the TEAS! :wink2:

Mine is on the 26th too! I was wondering the same thing about the interview. Anyone have theirs yet?

Good luck Miranda819!:up: I still haven't heard from anyone regarding the interviews.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Diabetes/Oncology.

AznPlayR99 yall had classes this week?? just wondering because back in austin we are given this week for springbreak NO classes woot! hehe...

yeah...its tomorrow Tun tun tun...Yeah don't hesitate to say Hi! ...this is funny nor did I plan on this, but if you see a tall girl about 5'11 long hair with a purple cardigan and black slacks that'll be me hahaha totally wasn't planning on purple, but I went shopping yesterday for an outfit and purple kept appearing and what not sooo it had to do...hahaha

yeah, Im a certified nurse assistant and I started at an LTC Rehab last year...and recently this year I started working at St. Davids medical center in Austin on Med/surg...soo Nope I dont qualify for the program you are talking about b/c that requires a bachelors no??

Specializes in Med/Surg/Diabetes/Oncology.


YAY your from Texas...hehe yeah El Paso is part of TExas regardless of what others may say or think...its part of the loan star state!

oh sucky! cold and rainy was exactly how it looked like last week here...I can only imagine...BUT now, you know how sporadic and crazy Texas weather is its now super sunny and HOT! perfect spring break for some too hot for meee! hehe

Well you keep it up with the studying!

And thank you sooo much!! Its tomorrow soo Im def. going to fit some more studying time in!

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