UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

U.S.A. Texas


Anyone????? besides me waiting on that interview letter for nursing school to come already?????????????? :plsebeg: Have you completed all your pre-reqs? what cha got left? care to share your GPA?

I am in the works of completeing my last pre-req...Physiology sooo far its been my fav. class its better than anatomy. GPA 3.5 microbio and physio not inlcuded. (I wish I didn't suck at comp. 1 I got a C in that class you guys!)

I emailed Debbie (she's the head hancho of the program. They are very good at replying like a minute later to your emails :typing and also very good at answering all phone calls) I asked about how I should go about registering for the TEAS entrance exam...she said on the same day you do your interview you also take the TEAS exam!

WHAT??? :banghead: is what I thought to myself sooo...I basically have till the month of April to study for that sucker!

Specializes in ICU.

The Parman Auditorium/Foyer is basically the Medical School Auditorium (so your gonna be walking to the medical school from zone 4... long walk haha)

I'll be the only asian guy peer advisor... can't be that hard to miss haha..

Off to the gym now! Gotta run off all that junk food I ate over my 1 week break from school!

trueblondy2006, I will be parking in zone 4. I drive a maroon Toyota Sienna minivan, you can't miss it! I am planning on getting there at 7:00 am, so if you wanna meet in the parking lot, maybe we can find our way to the medical school auditorium together. I plan on wearing an orange shirt and jeans and I have curly hair, so you probably won't miss me.

I'm excited too about this week! I can't believe how fast the summer went by!

I graduate from nursing school in FL May 2010 and I have to get my fingerprints/background check done to take the NCLEX in TX. I would've done the fingerprints sooner, but FL doesn't require fingerprinting (we get it done in school, not for the FL BON) and on the TX BON website, it says NOTHING about how long it takes to get the background check completed. It wasnt' until I started googling background checks that I started freaking otu about how long it can take!! SO anyways, my question for you is the background check recieved my the BON for you, was it for the fingerprints you originally submitted or the second set? Just hoping for a glimmer of hope that it won't take 4 months. Thank you =]

Me again, so Debbie from the school emailed me today if I had gotten my background check done and if I still wanted to be in the Fall 09 class. I freaked out, until I realized that she sent that email to all the people still missing the background checks. I sent off an email to her to let her know that I did another background check last Friday (yep, had to pay anothero $45 for another background check) and would contact the BON to see where that one is....drumroll please.......the BON sent out the backbground check results yesterday!!! Yeah! I'm guessing that's good, because he did not say exactly what those results were, but I know there isn't anything in my background, so it has to be good news, right? Can you tell I'm scared to be excited about this? I sent Debbie another email letter her know that the school should be getting my results soon.

So once the background check clears, I get to register? Yippie, I can't wait!!! One more step closer!

I graduate from nursing school in FL May 2010 and I have to get my fingerprints/background check done to take the NCLEX in TX. I would've done the fingerprints sooner, but FL doesn't require fingerprinting (we get it done in school, not for the FL BON) and on the TX BON website, it says NOTHING about how long it takes to get the background check completed. It wasnt' until I started googling background checks that I started freaking otu about how long it can take!! SO anyways, my question for you is the background check recieved my the BON for you, was it for the fingerprints you originally submitted or the second set? Just hoping for a glimmer of hope that it won't take 4 months. Thank you =]

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