UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

U.S.A. Texas


Anyone????? besides me waiting on that interview letter for nursing school to come already?????????????? :plsebeg: Have you completed all your pre-reqs? what cha got left? care to share your GPA?

I am in the works of completeing my last pre-req...Physiology sooo far its been my fav. class its better than anatomy. GPA 3.5 microbio and physio not inlcuded. (I wish I didn't suck at comp. 1 I got a C in that class you guys!)

I emailed Debbie (she's the head hancho of the program. They are very good at replying like a minute later to your emails :typing and also very good at answering all phone calls) I asked about how I should go about registering for the TEAS entrance exam...she said on the same day you do your interview you also take the TEAS exam!

WHAT??? :banghead: is what I thought to myself sooo...I basically have till the month of April to study for that sucker!

Specializes in Hopefully L&D!.

oh yea, we are not allowed to wear clogs. They shoes have to have a full back. I would just get some kind of sneaker that is going to be comfortable because you will be on your feet all day.

Hi! I went to the Heart to Heart orientation today! On the way home I thought of a question about parking for this coming week's orientation. Maybe someone can help. I have gotten my regular parking permit for lots 10-11. In one of the orientation packets I got a blue temp parking permit for lot 17. Do I have to use the temp parking permit for lot 17, or can I park in the lot that I have my regular permit for? I should have asked while I was at the school today, but didn't even think about it until I was half way home!


So how did the Heart to Heart go? I really wanted to go, but wasn't able to make it.

I have a question about the parking permit and also a question about the tuition (if you don't mind). How much did the parking permit cost? For the tuition, do they take out the whole years payment for the gym membership and also, how much was the tuition? I won't be able to register until maybe tomorrow or Tuesday due to the fact that I just finished my last prereqs last week. Thanks in advance!!

Heart to Heart was good. A few deans talked, we watched a video about nursing, some current students gave advise and answered questions, then we had a tour of the nursing building. It was nice because I realized I wasnt' the only one freaking out about starting nursing school! :D

I bought my parking permint and id on Friday, Aug. 7. At the time, I was told that I was getting one of the last parking spaces in lots 10-11. My permit cost me $98 and the id was $10. I was told today that while you are getting your parking permit, you should ask to be put on the waiting list for the closer lots. Venus, a peer advisor said to get on the waiting list for lot 3.

As far as tuition, I am part-time, so my two classes (I don't have the clinicals yet) and one elective ran me a little over $1500. I wondered about the gym membership charge too. I wonder if it is actually a spectrum gym membership and if I can go to any spectrum gym or just the one there on campus. I plan to find all that out some time during the orientation days.

Hope this helps!

Thanks a bunch miranda...it does help out a lot. I know I'm getting nervous too about nursing school starting!! I wonder where we'll have to park if there aren't any more parking spaces left? I hated to wait, but I had no choice. I was wondering about the gym membership too. I hope it's a spectrum membership to where I can to to any spectrum gyms because there's one a lot closer to where I live than having to go to the medical center to work out. I plan on using it since it cost so much and is a required fee.

Specializes in ICU.

Hmm, the spectrum membership is only for thr semester, they charge you every semestwr but usually it tells you how much it is in the tuition... I will remember to talk about this during orientation as a peer advisor! Also I think its only 4 the gym at school but you pay like 10 bucks extra to use any spectrum close to you... not totally sure I will check on that for you girls/guys

Did you see this asian guy giving tours? That's me! Haha

Also don't freak out! School isn't that bad! I survived just fine haha ill be at your orientation feel free to ask me questions!

Sorry I missed ya during the tours. I was with Venus' tour group. I was looking around wondering who there was on allnurses. I'm easy to find, since my real name is Miranda!

I felt better, at least a little less stressed after today's orientation. It's nice to know that everyone else is freaking out along side of me! :eek:

I'm a little confused on the parking for orientation this week. Do I park with the temp pass I got in my packet, or the official one I bought for this year?

Thanks for your help!

Hey!! I went to the Heart-to-Heart orientation today too..and GuEsS WhAt AznPlayR.. I saw an asian guy that was given tours .. HAHA..

I was wondering if ya'll would like to meet up on Wednesday so we can get to know the faces behind the screen names..and it would be nice to know a couple of people .. Sooo What do ya'll think?

HopefulNurse: If you are wondering what the cost of tutition is for a full-time student it is around 2800..or at least that was what mine was :)

I don't know about the parking situation either..I don't know what I'm going to do when the time comes..Maybe I'll call/email someone tomorrow and ask where we should park...

Specializes in ICU.

If you have a zone 4 pass you can go ahead and park in zone 4 there should be nothing to worry about! But yeah if you wanna meet up I'm there during orientation haha on wed after ilm down for meeting also! Alright now I gotta sleep since I have peer advisor training tomorrow ugh :-(

I'm game! When and where should we meet?

Specializes in ICU.

Ok, I'm done with the peer advisor training for today! Whew, was so tired and it dragged on with all the things we are planning to do for you new people!

Spectrum, I think the charge was $180 correct me if this is wrong and its for just for the CURRENT semester at the one ON CAMPUS. If your a local and you live near a spectrum that you would rather go to it's an additional $10 a month to use any spectrum (other than Roger's Ranch b/c I heard that one was way more b/c its nicer?). Also anyone with significant others can add a person to their account for like $35 dollars a month... Sorry thats all i got :-(

Hmm, some stuff I learned your orientation will suck Thursday/Friday b/c those are the long days.. Hopefully the things we have planned Thursday will be fun but Friday is just boring videos haha then followed by a Mixer were you get to meet various organizations you can join... (How about you join INSA right right?)

I think during the first week of class we are holding a Lunch in where we provide lunch and talk to you more in depth about how questions are worded on tests and what to expect (if we haven't already done enough talking already haha).

I think INSA is doing a movie night at school Aug 28th at 4pm where we will be watching Slumdog millionaire if anyone isn't too busy. Hopefully we will be planning more events that people can go to like, Wii night or bowling or boardgames or just volleyball night! Thats all I can think of right now..

I hope your psyched for class! Don't stress out too much the first week or two is pretty easy :-p

Question: Is the Parman Auditorium/Foyer in the School of Nursing? And if so, where?

Also, I don't know where ya'll want to meet..Any suggestions.. I know I will probably be wearing a black AE shirt that has blue and white writing stuff on it (one word I can make out is UNIVERSITY) and a pair of comfortable blue jeans that probably have a whole or two in them..so if you see that girl..its meeee :) If I don't wear that, then it might be one of those shirts I bought on Sunday or a turquoise colored shirt...so yea..those or my options..I have decided really but now ya'll know my choices :)

If any one is parking in zone 4 where could met up there around a time too?? Let me know and I'm Soo Excited about ToMoRrOw!!!

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