UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

U.S.A. Texas


Anyone????? besides me waiting on that interview letter for nursing school to come already?????????????? :plsebeg: Have you completed all your pre-reqs? what cha got left? care to share your GPA?

I am in the works of completeing my last pre-req...Physiology sooo far its been my fav. class its better than anatomy. GPA 3.5 microbio and physio not inlcuded. (I wish I didn't suck at comp. 1 I got a C in that class you guys!)

I emailed Debbie (she's the head hancho of the program. They are very good at replying like a minute later to your emails :typing and also very good at answering all phone calls) I asked about how I should go about registering for the TEAS entrance exam...she said on the same day you do your interview you also take the TEAS exam!

WHAT??? :banghead: is what I thought to myself sooo...I basically have till the month of April to study for that sucker!

Hi everyone:

I still have a hold so I am unable to register, does anyone know how much tuition is for the 1st semester?

thanks aznplay. just clarifying then: so we actually wear scrubs on skills labs days which are Mondays and Fridays based on new schedule on the web. that means we get to wear others only on thursdays for pharmacotherapeutics class and intro to nursing. do you remember the textbook for pharmaco?

hi mar4

a couple here on this thread have said that they already registered. hope they read your question. i wanna know it too.

Specializes in ICU.

Happy 4th! BBQ, fireworks and fun for everyone i hope!

Borgy, you can wear any kind of color scrubs you want for skills lab Mon/Fri. You Wear the Orange top/Black bottoms only on your hospital clinical days (skills lab if you want but eh why get them all worn out). For just class days you can wear regular clothing like jeans/shorts/t-shirt.

The pharm book consisted of several.

1. Clinical Drug Therapy (Required)

2. Clinical calculations (Required)- Didn't really use this but i thought calculations were EASY haha IMO I wouldnt have bought this book...

3. Natural standard herb book (Recommend) - DONT BUY THIS

4. Apa format book (Recommend) - I found it useful for papers

I really didnt even open the drug therapy book either just to look up stuff sometimes when I was confused but i never really read the chapters... (People are different with studying so plz don't just listen to me haha)... Most people say to just take good notes in class and study the power points.. thats basically all i did to make an A in the class..


I'm a 2nd semester student currently..

my 13 hours first semester cost me roughly $3100 (includes the REQ gym membership thats on campus... It's really nice)

If you don't have insurance and buy the schools it comes out to ABOUT 3500ish.

Hope that helps! I'm your peer advisor along with a couple of my friends so feel free to ask :-p

happy 4th of july to you too, AZNPLAY! we appreciate your being our peer advisor. are the books exclusively fromt eh UTHSC bookstore? you mentioned papers where you need an APA manual. WHY? is there a lot of writing papers involved? in what areas?

for the skills lab, is their any standard textbook? author?


Specializes in ICU.

No, the books aren't exclusively from the book store. Just get the book list and get the ISBN numbers for the books and order them online to get them cheaper... I know I would...

Hmm, the APA paper is something we did for that profesional nursing class. It had to be in APA format and I suck at writing so the book is helpful. It's pretty much the format you use for all the bigger papers you write. Topics vary, like we did a paper on the 5 patient rights and this semester i used it to write a family summary for a genogram, I'm supposed to write another paper for chronic so you will use the book often (if you suck at writing like i do lol).

Skills lab yes had a standard book (its huge). I think they also made you buy video cds (dont buy them I didn't and they cost 75 bucks). There are some other books probably like a drug guide...

I usually just go to the book store to get a list of books for the upcoming semester...

or http://nursing.uthscsa.edu/schedule-syllabi.aspx

Click on the FALL tab and semester 1 (generic if thats you)

Usually you can click on the classes but only 3312 is showing up as having the syllabus done... usually you can do that and they have book lists on them..

Off to attempt to study! adios!

The fingerprint/background check rollercoaster continues for me! Agh! I called the BON this morning and was told they didn't have any new information on my account. I was given the name, phone number, and email of the fingerprinting supervisor, Mr. Richard Wier. I called, it went straight to voice mail, so I emailed him regarding the status of the prints. I have to say, all this suspense on the fingerprints has really put a damper on the excitment of starting nursing school.

Anyone else hear anything back on your prints?

Hi Miranda,

I called the BON again this past Friday and talked to a different representative. She said that they had the stuff from DPS it was the FBI that was the hold up... now why the previous person I talked to blamed DPS I'm not sure. So she said she would put in the right request to the FBI... or whatever it is they really do there... and that hopefully I'd hear back by Monday. Well it's Monday afternoon... I'll call again tomorrow. I don't know what else to do beside bug them to death.

Is Mr. Wier from the BON? Have you gotten a response yet?

I was going to try calling the FBI, at the location in SA, but I'm not decided yet...


Hi Tula! Nope, I haven't heard a thing yet. Mr. Richard Wier is from the BON, he's the "fingerprinting supervisor". From what I was told today, he should already have my information and a record of all my calls to the BON. So far, nothing. I keep asking if I should resubmitt my prints, but I keep getting told they will look into where my current prints are.

It took forever to speak with anyone on the BON today. The first 3 times I called, I got a busy signal. Then I finally got through to the automated part and spent 30 minutes on hold. They must be really busy!

Well forget about tomorrow... I went ahead and called today.

After 4 tries and a ten minute wait I finally got through and talked to the same person I did last week, she looked my info up and sounded surprised because my check JUST got cleared today!

They must be pretty busy but I sure hope your check gets cleared soon too!

I would think that your information and check has been run at the FBI and DPS regardless and that the BON just has to track it down... hope it's that simple.

Aznplayr, thanks for the info about which things we REALLY don't need. I got a list from the bookstore website and have bargain hunted for most of my books already...

The Real Nursing skills CD I assumed is for the "Basic" and it can be found new for ~ $20 in some places... but if we really don't need it then I'd love to save the money.

For 3802... I guess we do have to buy the Course Packet, probably new.

There is also a First Semester ATI thing to buy... I can't find the description anywhere else online. Do you know if it's a book or an online access thing? it sure costs a pretty penny!


Specializes in ICU.

Yeah well if you want to list the books you need/recommend I can tell you if I bought them or not haha..

The ATI you buy at the school book store (I think they have a contract with the school) they are mandatory EVERY semester... like 150 bucks >.

Well, I finally heard back from Mr. Richard Wier. Here's what he said,

"I do not have any results. You had your prints done prior to the school submitting a roster with your name and information on it (Received 6/30/09 from school). Since the background check had nothing to match up to, I am running reports with DPS & FBI to locate unmatched records."

I don't know what else to do but wait and hope they find my records. I did everything the school asked me to do, went to submit the prints during the time they told me to, but somehow I feel like I'm the one that messed up. I worry that this will drag out too long and then I won't be able to even register for the fall. I know some of this is just my personality. I like to register early, I like to have my books and supplies early, I want to be totally prepared to succeed.

Thanks for letting me rant a little. Hopefully they will find my info soon!

Ok, I just heard back from Debbie at the school and she said this whole thing happened because L-1 didn't get a whole page of the schools roster. She said she sent Mr. Wier the page and they are now working to find the results for the students on the missing page. They are hoping it will be done within a week.

Crazy, huh? At least there are some answers now!

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