UTHSC at San Antonio fall 09

U.S.A. Texas


Anyone????? besides me waiting on that interview letter for nursing school to come already?????????????? :plsebeg: Have you completed all your pre-reqs? what cha got left? care to share your GPA?

I am in the works of completeing my last pre-req...Physiology sooo far its been my fav. class its better than anatomy. GPA 3.5 microbio and physio not inlcuded. (I wish I didn't suck at comp. 1 I got a C in that class you guys!)

I emailed Debbie (she's the head hancho of the program. They are very good at replying like a minute later to your emails :typing and also very good at answering all phone calls) I asked about how I should go about registering for the TEAS entrance exam...she said on the same day you do your interview you also take the TEAS exam!

WHAT??? :banghead: is what I thought to myself sooo...I basically have till the month of April to study for that sucker!

Specializes in ICU.

Just got out of class..

Hmm, from what I remember the VA had to more security checks because most of them work for the government and stuff like that..

The scrubs we voted on last semester and will be changed top Orange tops (you buy them at school) and black bottoms which you can buy any where (the bottoms they sell at school suck imo not enough pockets) and you need black shoes.

Oops, i'm pretty sure they have enough spots open for class. I'm thinking the open enough spots to let everyone in they accepted so don't freak out!

Hi everybody:

Does anyone know if The Villages of Cinammon Creek are good apt? safe? look nice? Any help would be appreciated.

AnzplayR, do we HAVE to get a parking permit? I was going to commute by bus on non-clinical days... figured I would just pay the parking at whichever hospital I'm assigned.

Hmm orange and black seem better than all white at least. Much more stain resistant and less see through!

Miranda, I don't know if you have gone through the exact same run around as me about the background check but after calling the school and BON I found the number for the correct DPS department and called.

They said they completed my check and sent it to the BON electronically and that the BON has to contact them if there is a problem. So since I had done that already now I'm just going to wait a few days and call the BON back to check.

Tula-6288, oh yes have I been getting the run around with the background check! Now the BON is telling me that I may not even be on the student list they got from UTHSCSA! The BON took my name and number and said they were going to check to see if I was on the list and call me back. That was yesterday. Today I get an email from the school telling me to wait and be patient, that DPS had a virus in May and they are backlogged. But if I'm not in the system, what would it matter if they are backlogged. L-1 told me I could not call DPS and get any information on my background check, that the school would have to do it becuase they are the ones that issued the check. Guess that's not entirely true, huh? I don't really know what else to do. It seems like everyone keeps blaming everyone else. All I know is: the BON doesn't have any info on me at all, L-1 sent the prints to DPS, the school has heard nothing back from anyone. Not sure what else to do but continue waiting.

Specializes in ICU.

Health2besoon, check page 19 of this thread for info about places to live.

TULA, you don't have to get a parking pass unless you are parking on campus. I know a couple of friends that live near campus and just walk. I think your crazy for paying hospital parking! Isn't that expensive?

Finally, I heard back from Debbie today and she told me that she got a call about my background check being cleared. I had it done on May 1st, so miranda and sim236, you may hear something soon, too. Also, when I had called the BON, they told me that the FBI gets the background checks after DPS does their part, and that they had received my stuff from the DPS back on June 1st, so it took 4 weeks at the FBI department, so maybe that's where yours is. I don't know if there is a number to call the FBI to check on the background checks or not, but they should have a number to contact them about it.

Orange and black scrubs are so much better than all white. And black shoes will be great because they won't get as dirty as the white will.

Yikes, well it's good to hear you got your background check cleared Hopeful...

I sure hope that means ours will be soon too.

Miranda, this is the number I called for DPS 1-512-424-2079

it goes straight to touch tone automated... lol it read me the options and then I pressed 9 to repeat and got a different recording then pressed 1 and tada... Crime Records Service.

Maybe they can at least say if your in the system.

Well the parking depends on what Hospital I'm assigned... if I get University Hospital on campus then it'd be $4 a week since I just have one clinical so far. I looked at the times for first semester clinical and I don't want to walk a mile from/to my truck before 6am or after 11pm. I'm just trying to figure out what the safest way to do it would be... the bus won't get me there that early or home that late from where I have to park to catch it.

I've read in different places that close parking to campus is hard to come by (waiting list) and it didn't look any less expensive....

Thanks for the number Tula. I'm hoping we hear something soon. Debbie from the school told me that DPS had a virus hit their computers in May and that's what the big hold up is. This may be the case because when I mentioned this to my husband, he remembered something about the virus taking down a lot of the DPS stuff (he works in the IT dept for the City of San Antonio). So if one of us from the May 1 printing got their information back, maybe we will too.

I have another question: when will we find out what we need to get for school, meaning stuff like scrubs? Is it on the website somewhere, or are we going to be sent more information on what we will need?


Well, I did get some good news, hopefully. The BON called me twice this morning. The first call was to tell me that they did not have me on the UTHSCSA roster and to contact the school and have me put on the list. Then, right after that call I get another from the same person at the BON saying she was sorry, but she rechecked my information and saw that I was added to the schools roster on June 30th. So now I just have to wait for the background information to be submitted to the BON. Maybe, just maybe by next week I could be cleared!


Specializes in ICU.

Stuff you need for school will most likely be told to you during orientation (if i remember correctly).

Hi AznPlayR99!

Just joined the thread now. thanks for your helpful hints. one question: how shocking will the clinicals be for one like me who has no experience/no skill at all in a hospital setting?

also, is the orange top/black bottom more or less going to be clinicals uniform?


to those still taking classes to complete defiencies: don't worry; i think there's several of us who will only be finished by mid-august.

Specializes in ICU.

Hey Borgy,

I didn't have any experience really at all. Some clinicals prof. will let you pair up for the first week or so and some will just give you your own patient to start off with. IMO i started with my own patient the very first day and it's not hard. You can't really do much anyways until your instructor shows you how or you learn in skills lab. I didn't give meds/injections until 3weeks before school finished, but like i said it all depends on how your instructor is and IF you seek the hard stuff and not sit around on your butt all day looking at patient info (i've done that haha)

Yes the Orange Tops and Black Bottoms are your clinical attire. The orange tops will have the UTHSCSA embroidered on it (last year we had to buy patches and sew/iron them on our white uniforms haha). For skill labs though you can where any color scrubs you want, so don't think you only have to buy the clinical ones or save money if you already have some!

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