UTHSC BSN Spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone, I wanted to create a forum for the UTHSC BSN Spring 2017 applicants. I plan to apply to this program, TWU, UTA, Lamar, and SHSU after I finish my pre-reqs this summer. Also, I still have to take the Hesi and Teas test this summer as well. I have attended three colleges throughout my college career and do not have the best GPA at either one of them. The school I am currently attending my stats are as follows:

Overall GPA: 2.5

Pre-Req GPA: 3.5

Science GPA: 4.0

Specializes in IMCU/PCU.

Hi, I actually had to e-mail the registrar to ask if they had received my transcripts because they were still showing up on my to-do list. She removed them from my to-do list and confirmed that they had been received.

My question is, I have yet to take the HESI and my HESI hold has also been removed from my to-do list. I'm wondering if this is a mistake, when I asked the registrar she told me I had to contact admissions.

I emailed the registrars office regarding my todo list and will follow up next week if needed. I have taken the hesi and it is still on my to do list also....

I am concerned about whether they will transfer a couple of my classes that I took years ago in Illinois. I hope they let me know before fall semester starts so I can retake them if necessary. They shouldn't be a problem since they are English 1 and intro to sociology. I'm pretty sure they will not transfer my Chemistry, so I went ahead and registered for that for the fall.

When end will you be taking the HESI?

hi guys,

I am a current student at UT, ask me any questions.. :)

Hello everyone!

I applied to the Spring 2017 program in late May.

My stats are:

Overall GPA-3.9

Science GPA-4.0


  • Reading- 84
  • Grammar-96
  • Vocabulary-100
  • Math-84
  • A&P-100
  • Biology-96
  • Chemistry-96
  • CT-790

The pre-reqs have taken over 4 yrs to complete. I will be taking Micro (my last pre-req)

this Fall. I'm super excited!!! :roflmao:

Glad I'm not alone during this long wait!

I'm taking the Hesi exam for the third time on August 9th! I'm so worried they won't consider my application due to me taking the Hesi three times. I have a pre-req gpa and science gpa of 3.5 but overall associate degree gpa is 2.5. Wish me luck and if you are religious, say a prayer for me please!

Good luck on your exam! Why are you taking it for a third time if you don't mind me asking!?

Good luck on your exam! Why are you taking it for a third time if you don't mind me asking!?

Both times I did ok on every section except for the A&P section. Although I scored higher the second time around, it was still not high enough to apply for the program. I've completed A&P I and II so third time will either be a charm or three strikes your out. I am so worried that UT will not consider my app due to me having to take the Hesi three times. My stats are as follows:

Math 84%

Reading 82%

Grammar 88%

Vocab 88%

A&P 64% (36% on the first attempt)

Critical Thinking 890

Oh I see! I would not feel discouraged at all. Going from a 36 to a 64 is huge improvement. I know this is a completely different exam, but I took the TEAS about two months ago and passed everything except the science portion. I believe I made somewhere around a 60 and when I retook just a couple of days ago, I made a 78. It's an improvement and it helped my overall average increase.

I am taking the HESI sometime this month. I am going to my school to figure out how to pay for it and choose a testing date. I am nervous about the A&P section too!

I was originally going to apply for the summer term, but I was able to sign up for a class that was not accepted by UT in the fall. Now I'll be applying to the spring term. I am super nervous about the whole process. I have never applied to a program before and it has taken me so long to get here and now its so surreal. I finally submitted my application last night. Good luck to everyone! We are obviously all here because we want to be bad ass future nurses one day!

Ok well I am officially giving up on attending nursing school. I have attempted the Hesi three times and failed the A&P section every single time. I am convinced that me being a nurse is clearly not in God's plan.

Did you receive the email that stated that the application deadline was being extended to Sep. 1st?

Does anyone know if you are able to retake the HESI within a week apart from each other? I am trying to plan on when exactly to take the HESI before the deadline for UT. Please HELP!

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