UT-HSC Fall '06 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Anyone receive a letter for interviews yet? I hope we all get one!


we broke the 40 day mark!

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.

we broke the 40 day mark!

But, whose counting? Right? ;)

one more month

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.
I'm still waiting too... and trying my best not to obsess.

Hello veggoddess,

Congrats on getting into UTMB. If you get accepted to UT also; which would you choose and why? Just curious.

Honestly I'm not sure yet, but probably UTMB. Both schools have their respective merits.

On a practical note... I've been looking for a room in a house or apartment in Galveston beginning in early-to-mid-August and haven't had any luck! The housing situation there seems to be kinda bad. It may be easier to find a place to live in Houston and just attend UT-H.

on a practical note... i've been looking for a room in a house or apartment in galveston beginning in early-to-mid-august and haven't had any luck! i even posted an ad on craig's list [http://houston.craigslist.org/sha/142743802.html]!!! the housing situation there seems to be kinda bad. it may be earier to find a place to live in houston and just attend ut-h.

really? your having a hard time finding a place to rent here in galveston? there are tons of places.

plus if your interested in this kind of thing....go to


and it has some info on renting here on campus. let me know if you need anymore leads. i have lived here in galveston for 8 years now so i know it pretty well. :)

Maybe this is just a dumb question but I am quite discouraged about getting into the program at UTHSC.....I have 4 more classes to take : Nutrition, Growth & Development, Statistics, A&P2.

My overall GPA is ca 3.7. What concerns me is that I made B's in both Chemistry classes and College Algebra and I am afraid that I won't get into the program because of it. However, I made an A in A&P 1 and I am currently making an A in Microbiology. Made A's in both English Comp, and in Psych and Sociology....I feel it's not good enough and I am wondering if I should bother to continue towards the BSN program or just apply at SAC for the 2 year program. All I need for the 2 year program is 3 more classes. they only require one Chem class, so I only haave one B in that class to tarnish my transcript. I also believe that SAC would prefer to admit someone who has taken College Algebra over someone with just a plain math score on the placement test. I feel my chances are higher to get into the 2 year program at this point. My moral is currently pretty down and I was wondering if other people got into the program with B's in Chem and Math.

Thank you for your time.

Maybe this is just a dumb question but I am quite discouraged about getting into the program at UTHSC.....I have 4 more classes to take : Nutrition, Growth & Development, Statistics, A&P2.

My overall GPA is ca 3.7. What concerns me is that I made B's in both Chemistry classes and College Algebra and I am afraid that I won't get into the program because of it. However, I made an A in A&P 1 and I am currently making an A in Microbiology. Made A's in both English Comp, and in Psych and Sociology....I feel it's not good enough and I am wondering if I should bother to continue towards the BSN program or just apply at SAC for the 2 year program. All I need for the 2 year program is 3 more classes. they only require one Chem class, so I only haave one B in that class to tarnish my transcript. I also believe that SAC would prefer to admit someone who has taken College Algebra over someone with just a plain math score on the placement test. I feel my chances are higher to get into the 2 year program at this point. My moral is currently pretty down and I was wondering if other people got into the program with B's in Chem and Math.

Thank you for your time.

hard to say. your grades seem pretty competitive to me, but uthsc-houston is so different from uthsc-sa. uth doesn't require algebra, and only requires one chem class. it's so strange how all of the ut schools have different requirements. and SO CONFUSING.

hard to say. your grades seem pretty competitive to me, but uthsc-houston is so different from uthsc-sa. uth doesn't require algebra, and only requires one chem class. it's so strange how all of the ut schools have different requirements. and SO CONFUSING.

Thank you very much for your reply. Wow, I didn't know that there was such difference! You are right it's very confusing. All I can do is try my best to keep getting A's in the remaining classes, I guess. I really want to become a nurse....I would be very disappointed if I couldn't fullfill my dream after all this hard work :madface:

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.


Hang in there and don't give up. I had completed my prereqs in a different state, when my hubby got a job promotion and we moved to Texas. I virtually had to start all over on my prereqs because they were so different! Then, as mentioned before, all the colleges in TX had different requirements; therefore, I picked two schools and fulfilled their prereqs.....now I'm just waiting to see which school (if any) I get into. I felt I had to narrow my school choices down or I would be going to school forever - just to fulfill prereqs.

Take care and good luck.

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