UT-HSC Fall '06 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Anyone receive a letter for interviews yet? I hope we all get one!

man. it's only been about 2 weeks since the interview....it feels like YEARS have passed!

*sigh* 1.5 more MONTHS left. :bugeyes:

only 47days 17hours 26minutes to go!! :yawn: :D

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.

Let's see......look at my signature and that's how long we have left!:uhoh3:

I'm really glad I've started a new job because that has started to help keep me preoccupied.

i've gotta say...i've got my fingers crossed for an early mail-out. :-)

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.
i've gotta say...i've got my fingers crossed for an early mail-out. :-)

Yup, I just hope March flies by. I'm hoping to take a small vacation in March to get my mind of of it and relax a little bit. It's funny.....my dh and I were talking about my stress level and I was relating to him that I have found (via this board) that I'm not the only one waiting for a letter from UT. He suggested I play a joke and start a thread titled "I GOT MY UT LETTER!!!" and freak everybody out. I said, "No, I can't be that cruel, but we'll see how April Fool's Day goes :rotfl: ."

This is SO off topic but...


^click that! or go to the thread entitled "Choppin Cancer Event March 4"

thanks! and hang in there guys April 15 will come sooner than we think :p

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.

hello ut wannabes. it's march !!!!! just thought i'd bump this and see how everyone is doing. keep hanging in there!

SIIIIIGH.....still here....counting the days :)

I'm still waiting too... and trying my best not to obsess.

i'm not fighting it. i am freely obsessing! right when i start to forget that i have anything to worry about one of my friends or family will remind me. those dreaded words:

"have you heard anything yet?"


Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.
i'm not fighting it. i am freely obsessing! right when i start to forget that i have anything to worry about one of my friends or family will remind me. those dreaded words:

"have you heard anything yet?"


Same here! I'll kinda get distracted and not obsess about it, then someone will ask me, "Have ya heard anything yet?" and I catch the obsession bug again. That's what prompted my post yesterday. I was at work, and one of the nurses I work with asked me if I'd found out where I'd be going in the Fall. Then, to top it off, I had to attend a computer instruction class (we are switching programs) for work. Well, the computer education for the hospital I work at and UT-Houston share the same building! There were signs with arrows that said "Student Services" and the student nurse lockers were there and a little lounge. I wanted to run into one of the offices and beg for information. AAAAHHHHHH, so close, yet so far. LOL

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