University of Maryland Traditional BSN Fall Program: Any idea when we will hear back?

U.S.A. Maryland


I was wondering if there was anyone out there that applied last fall that could tell us when they learned the fate of their application? I was just wondering how long we (Fall 2009 applicants) would have to wait until we hear back from the admissions office. Thanks and good luck to everyone else!

Thank you JFRraker, it is good to know I won't feel totally out of place being older than a typical college student (although it seems like nothing is really "typical" these days)! Is there anything about SG that you think puts it above the other local schools, which all have great programs? I'm super-excited I got into UMd, but have one other program I am very intersted in too, so they both are about equal in my books, for various reasons - I don't know how I will decide! The small classes and knowing everyone is definitely a plus, and it sounds like there are a lot of resources available that will help us succeed so long as we utilize them. How does the student health work going to SG since the main campus is in B'more?

Thank you for all of the help!

Congratulations and welcome to USG! I am in the 2nd semester of the nursing program in the SG campus. Like someone has said, the class size is smaller here. You will know EVERYBODY by their first names in a couple weeks. You will get to know almost all the professors in a couple weeks as well. Basically, you will see familiar faces on daily basis. I know a lot of students transferred from Baltimore to SG this semester, they actually like SG a lot better. We have GSS sessions for harder classes, like Pathopharmacology and adult health. The professors will go all the way to help you succeed. Congratulations again! See you in the fall.

Specializes in mental health.

Hi everyone and thanks for all of your congrats. I got my 'its real' letter in the mail yesterday. I am so excited to be moving back to my home state. Glad to see im not the only shocked about the deposit in 14 days.

ABout outstanding classes...did anyone get any indication of a required class you havent taken that you have to take this summer? IE, my micro was lecture only and was planning on taking the lab this summer; but nothing has mentioned that. I dont want to take it if i dont have to.

Also about fin aid/scholarships. Anyone know about the JRSA national nursing scholarship? last year they were offering full tuition and a monthly stipend. Very selective tho, only like 200 our of 5000 were granted. My FAFsa is done, im just hoping the 'cost of attendance' is adjusted since im going from community college to U of MD.

Again, thanks everyone! See you in the Fall.


Hi angel! Re: outstanding classes, the letter just says you must finish all of the pre-requisites before orientation, which I'm assuming is closer to when classes actually start. I'm also still needing to tie up a few loose ends myself, but I actually got a call from someone in the department (mostly to congratulate me, which was very nice!) who reiterated that I just need to make sure I also submit my transcripts and maintain in B average in the remainder of my courses. They didn't explicitly tell me what I need to finish up, but it is pretty clear they are referring to the remaining pre-requisite courses I have left.

Good luck!

Oh, and thanks JRFraker and e pigpig - your comments are very helpful! I'm thinking of coming out this weekend to take a tour - anything you'd recommend I see/ask??

Oh, and thanks JRFraker and e pigpig - your comments are very helpful! I'm thinking of coming out this weekend to take a tour - anything you'd recommend I see/ask??

You are welcome! I truly hope that you will like SG campus and enjoy your time in the program. It's HARD to go through nursing school. There were so many times that I questioned my ability, yet, I pulled it through the 1st semester and I am almost done with my 2nd. You will learn SO much in 2 years.

Regarding to your visit, the weekend is pretty quite around the campus and the faculty will not be there. The campus itself is very small. There are only 3 buildings: building I, II, & III. Bdg I is the main building where you can find the library, cafeteria, computer rooms etc. Most of our lectures are in bdg III. bdg III 3rd floor is where the nursing program office is. You also find the labs at the opposite of the hallway. Walk around the campus, you don't need to be a student to get in.

I would still suggest you to meet the faculty sometime in the weekday if you want to. They are all VERY NICE!!!

If you still have questions, please feel free to ask. I am sure a lot of people on this board will be able to help.

e_pigpig I have a question for you about the SG campus? Do they have the stimulation lab similiar to Baltimore? I'm so glad to hear so many good things about SG- a smaller class makes it more easier to get on an one on one level with fellow classmates and staff. I will be going their for sure! Thank you in advance.

is there anyone who was accepted with anything other than a 4.0 in science courses?

Even if there are some who may not have a 4.0, you should shoot for the best grade possible period. This will help also to put u in the running for various scholarships that are based on merit.

With this horrible economy, people will flock to nursing and the healthcare field in general. 1-2 years from now when people who decided to take their pre-reqs now finish and apply for nursing school (many of whom I predict who will also have previous bachelor degrees) im sure that all programs, including MD's will feel a huge jump im applicants. I know its hard and this might be discuraging to think about, but Im just trying to be realistic so you have an honest idea of what to expect. You just need to believe in yourself and your capabilities. I ama fervent beleiver that in academics, will power and discipline are more valuable than natural intellect. Good luck.

I was accepted with less than a 3.3...I work as a PCT and I had a few recommendations from my nurse supervisors. I think that and my essay may have helped me get in big time. Try your best and don't lose hope. It's not all about GPA, and I can testify to that!!!

I have Bs in A/P I & II...I'm currently taking Chemistry and plan to take Micro this summer! No matter what, I'm going to do my best but I know that I am kinda struggling in Chemistry...which is why I asked. My Chem lab professor & my mentor (a RN over a community health center program in my hometown) will be writing my 1st two recs for me. I've already started working on my essay & will start volunteering at a local hospital (as soon as the semester ends). Thank you for the awesome advice...I will continue to strive for the best!

lsnow - just do your best. If you are working with your professor then it sounds like you are doing as much as you can. If you are one of those people that learn the material but it just takes you a little longer, you will be ok. If A&P, micro, and chem are a real struggle for you, I hate to say this, but you may want to think about something else. When you get to nursing school they will assume you already know these things and will mention them only briefly and then go on to more in depth topics. That doesn't mean you need to remember every detail from these classes, but if you didn't "get it" the first time you will be lost. And for the record i got b's in chem & ap1; a's in micro & ap2. Your essay is VERY important if you are worried about your grades and volunteering is always good too.

The labs at bmore are bigger and have more toys but overall they are similar. One of the nurse/professors that runs the clinical lab in bmore also comes to sg. She also writes the tests for validation for both campuses so whats covered is the same. To be honest I am not all that sure if I would have toured the lab it would have swayed me one way or another. For example the lab at Marymount U is very small but they make up for it through more clinical time at the hospital. While that may sound better, I would much rather practice in a simulation before I went out in the field. When you are out at clinicals you are not working directly with your professor and a lot depends on your clinical leader, so there can be a lack of consistency. Any lab work you do is counted as clinical hours. (BTW I think epig mistyped- the lab at sg is in building one - floor 3.)

Again in first semester you will have the opportunity to see one of the labs in bmore and play with the patient lifting device.


I'm struggling with Micro now, but with determination and more efficient studying I will come out with a B or higher. This is my last science pre-req to take. I had B's in A/P(1&2) and a B in Chemistry. I only had A's in Math and a couple other social sciences.

I have Bs in A/P I & II...I'm currently taking Chemistry and plan to take Micro this summer! No matter what, I'm going to do my best but I know that I am kinda struggling in Chemistry...which is why I asked. My Chem lab professor & my mentor (a RN over a community health center program in my hometown) will be writing my 1st two recs for me. I've already started working on my essay & will start volunteering at a local hospital (as soon as the semester ends). Thank you for the awesome advice...I will continue to strive for the best!
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