UNF Summer 2011 Accelerated BSN Hopeful

U.S.A. Florida


Hello. I am hoping to get into UNF for the summer of 2011. I have taken the TEAS and am taking all of the pre-req courses. I am curious what other people got on their TEAS V and what their Pre-Req GPA is that are also trying to get into the accelerated program this summer. Also, any ideas on what the group interview will be like and what questions will be asked?

YIKES! Good thing you emailed. Yes, that sounds like it should be A&P II ... will this make your GPA better? I know there is an additional science course on the prereq list, perhaps they transposed both?
Yeah! I finally got a reply this morning. She said everyone would be updated by next week. Hopefully this also includes my GPA though? It's a .4 difference, which is huge. They used gen chem for my additional science course - which also feels a bit arbitrary. They could've chosen a 3 credit or 5 credit course, which would have a huge sway in the prereq GPA as well.

And that is the way the cookie crumbles for this process! You get what you get, and that's that. Let's all stay positive!

Wow, I am really glad I checked this thread. I went onto my myWings account and went onto the "Degree Evaluation" tab...they used the wrong course to calculate my prereq GPA! (Since I am a bio major I took Vertebrate Anatomy I and II years ago. However I also took Human A & P I and II last year.) They used the grade from Human A & P I and then the one from Vert Anat II instead of Human A & P II.... Just emailed ____ (you guys know who I'm talking about); hope it's not too late!

Oh boy! Just saw this post... I was wondering why ____ used my principles of Bio class in my gpa as well, cause ots not part of the pre-req list.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
It's a .4 difference, which is huge.

Yeah, that translate into 40 points according to their formula!! :)

Oh boy! Just saw this post... I was wondering why ____ used my principles of Bio class in my gpa as well, cause ots not part of the pre-req list.

That class was prob used to fulfill the "additional science course" prereq, which could be from any science I suppose. Love how you used ____ to refer to ____. :D

So I just checked my Degree Evaluation...yep, they're still using Animal Physiology II as my anatomy prerequisite. What's going on? I'm really worried that they would slip up on their choice of courses for prereq GPA because it's only 25 credits or so and any mistake can cause a serious GPA gap. Does anyone know if their is a number for ____'s office? The site only ever lists her email address and fax number. Maybe I should just barge into UNF with a printout of this evaluation and an official transcript?

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
So I just checked my Degree Evaluation...yep, they're still using Animal Physiology II as my anatomy prerequisite. What's going on? I'm really worried that they would slip up on their choice of courses for prereq GPA because it's only 25 credits or so and any mistake can cause a serious GPA gap. Does anyone know if their is a number for ____'s office? The site only ever lists her email address and fax number. Maybe I should just barge into UNF with a printout of this evaluation and an official transcript?

________ is pretty good with email, have you tried that already?

biomimetical- I would just email her. I looked all through my info and previous emails from her and can't find a number. I think she prefers email anyway. Good luck getting it cleared up!

Does anyone receive the interview letters yet? I'm so nervous I haven't heard anything about it yet and I know they're sending it out soon! :confused:

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
Does anyone receive the interview letters yet? I'm so nervous I haven't heard anything about it yet and I know they're sending it out soon! :confused:

Supposed to be sometime this week. No one seems to have received anything yet, including me. There is another UNF thread where other candidates are posting:


Letters came today!! Anyone else have an interview at 8:30?

Yay!!! Congrats to you!!! My mailman doesn't come until 3-3:30...it is KILLING me!!

I got my letter yesterday too ... I have an 11:30 interview. So happy!:yeah:

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