UNF Summer 2011 Accelerated BSN Hopeful

U.S.A. Florida


Hello. I am hoping to get into UNF for the summer of 2011. I have taken the TEAS and am taking all of the pre-req courses. I am curious what other people got on their TEAS V and what their Pre-Req GPA is that are also trying to get into the accelerated program this summer. Also, any ideas on what the group interview will be like and what questions will be asked?

Specializes in Surgical Intensive Care.

I'm applying for the fall :) Good luck on the interview. :)

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
24. that is a lot of damn interviews to do in one day. good luck to them, i say. hahahhaa :lol2:

But aren't some of the candidates also offered space in the 2-year program if not in the 1-year? So I guess the odds could be better than 24 :)

Here's what i "assume" happens. There are 2 interviewees invited to the interview for every seat available in the program. There are 48 accepted into the RPL and 24 into the accelerated program, so thats 144 interviewees (lets call it an even 150). there will be a mass of people there the day of the interview - probably 75 in the am, and 75 in the pm - and that mass will be given group numbers with each group composing appoximately 5 people. I would assume that there would be more that one group being interviewed at a given time, so there will probably be 2 or 3 groups of interviewers giving the interviews. I say this because if there are 150 interviewees and there is only one group of interviewers then the math would look something like this:

150/5 = 30 groups

30 groups taking about 30mins to interview would take 900 minutes

900/1hr (60mins) = 15hrs worth of interviews

and this is everything runs back to back with 100% efficiency, which almost never happens, so add another hour to that for confusion, mix-ups, delays, etc.

That puts it at 16hrs. Also, people need to eat, so add on an extra hour...or two.

So, with one group doing the interviews it would take about 17-18hrs, that's why i think they will have more than one group giving the interviews. Of course, this is just an assumption.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

There is definitely more than one group of interviewers doing interviews, that I remember from the info session. How many there will be is what I don't know. Statistically, it would be impossible to have one group of interviewers doing all that in one day!

Yes, but with more than one panel of interviewers, how can they really make accurate decisions? It seems unfair that some groups of candidates might be rated lower just because they happen to get the panel that is more critical than others. I wonder just how they "rate" each candidate.


I was thinking the same thing. What if one group judged our characteristics more or less favorably than another group would have. Unless...maybe each panel selects a certain number of candidates from their own pool of interviewees, that way we are never measured against another panels interviewees. That's how i would do it atleast.

HM2Doc....that makes sense but that would stink in a way as well....let's say that your group of 5 are all excellent candidates but 2 or 3 of them won't be chosen versus the group of 5 that are all mediocre but some of them MUST be chosen as well. It will be interesting to see how they really do it....of course we may never know the real process.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

Perhaps someone should call that lady at Admissions who always writes the emails? I don't mention her name here because we are not supposed to, but I would think she would offer some guidance on this -- she's been pretty helpful so far.

Paco69....go for it!

I've probably called enough to already be on their stalker list :-)

Paco69....looks like we're about the same age (I just turned 42). You have applied to SIX schools and been accepted at 2....wow, you are dedicated. Which schools did you turn down? Is UNF your top choice?

I've got 4 kids, youngest just started school. I used to be a computer analyst. I can't believe I'm really going back myself.

Wow, I am really glad I checked this thread. I went onto my myWings account and went onto the "Degree Evaluation" tab...they used the wrong course to calculate my prereq GPA! (Since I am a bio major I took Vertebrate Anatomy I and II years ago. However I also took Human A & P I and II last year.) They used the grade from Human A & P I and then the one from Vert Anat II instead of Human A & P II.... Just emailed ____ (you guys know who I'm talking about); hope it's not too late!

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
Paco69....go for it!

I've probably called enough to already be on their stalker list :-)

Let's let Mikey do it! LOL ... since we are @ the same age, I am sure you get the LIFE cereal reference :D

Paco69....looks like we're about the same age (I just turned 42). You have applied to SIX schools and been accepted at 2....wow, you are dedicated. Which schools did you turn down? Is UNF your top choice?

I've got 4 kids, youngest just started school. I used to be a computer analyst. I can't believe I'm really going back myself.

Turned down and U of Miami ... both due to tuition costs that are way above my comfortable reach. In both instances I found that scholarships I was hoping to apply for were either no longer available or were not concurrent with a decision to accept the offer and give a deposit. I would be happy at any of the remaining schools I have yet to hear from. I am SO ready to go back to school :)

Wow, I am really glad I checked this thread. I went onto my myWings account and went onto the "Degree Evaluation" tab...they used the wrong course to calculate my prereq GPA! (Since I am a bio major I took Vertebrate Anatomy I and II years ago. However I also took Human A & P I and II last year.) They used the grade from Human A & P I and then the one from Vert Anat II instead of Human A & P II.... Just emailed ____ (you guys know who I'm talking about); hope it's not too late!

YIKES! Good thing you emailed. Yes, that sounds like it should be A&P II ... will this make your GPA better? I know there is an additional science course on the prereq list, perhaps they transposed both?

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