UNF Summer 2011 Accelerated BSN Hopeful

U.S.A. Florida


Hello. I am hoping to get into UNF for the summer of 2011. I have taken the TEAS and am taking all of the pre-req courses. I am curious what other people got on their TEAS V and what their Pre-Req GPA is that are also trying to get into the accelerated program this summer. Also, any ideas on what the group interview will be like and what questions will be asked?

I didn't realize FSCJ took students based on location. That is interesting! I can't afford JU either (my husband is still wondering why I even applied), but I hear there is scholarship money out there - who knows?! FSCJ is kind of my last resort because I, like you, don't want to have to go back for the RN to BSN bridge. I guess I will just have to wait and see, and it is KILLING me!

Oh yes....if you read closely, FSCJ takes "all qualified applicants" from Duval and Nassau Counties first before going into other areas. What this means is that you can have the best GPA and NAT scores but if you don't live in those two counties, you won't get in unless they run out of qualified applicants....and it is my understanding that they don't often run out of qualified applicants in Duval and Nassau. I had to write a paper on this last term so I researched it pretty extensively. This is why I haven't even bothered with them.....who wants to take ANOTHER entrance exam if they don't have to :-)

The wait is so hard and if we get an interview, that wait will be ever harder I imagine!

About JU....if you find out about scholarship money, please post...I was under the impression that if one already possesses a degree, there is not much scholarship money available. I would love to have JU as an option.


I'm also applying for the accelerated BSN at UNF of Summer 2011. My prereqs GPA is 3.67 and my TEAS V score is 87.3 percentile or 349. I am so nervous about this whole application because I did not apply to JU or FSCJ. :crying2: I am just hoping for the best!! Please let me know if and when you guys will be receiving your interview letter. *fingers*crossed*

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

If I remember correctly, letters won't go out until at least mid-Feb. The interview date is Mar 11, they notified ahead of time so you can keep the day open in case you're selected to interview.

I also applied to the Accelerated program at UNF. I have 4.0 pre-req and 384 (96%) for my TEAS. I am excited to find out the status of everything. I also applied to UCF, and I am planning on taking the GRE next month to apply to UF. I just wanted to cover my bases ;)

Okay, this could be a problem. The UNF web site says you must be immunized against HEP B before starting the program. HOWEVER....it takes a series of 3 shots over 6 months to be immunized. Does this mean we won't be accepted? Do you think they will allow you in if you've just started the series of shots? I would think they should tell you this well in advance. Anyone know anything about this?

If I remember correctly, letters won't go out until at least mid-Feb. The interview date is Mar 11, they notified ahead of time so you can keep the day open in case you're selected to interview.

How can they only have 1 interview day? They interview everyone in one day?!

They interview 5 candidates at a time and have different interview panels....or so I've been told. It's all very subjective which can be good OR bad!

Okay, this could be a problem. The UNF web site says you must be immunized against HEP B before starting the program. HOWEVER....it takes a series of 3 shots over 6 months to be immunized. Does this mean we won't be accepted? Do you think they will allow you in if you've just started the series of shots? I would think they should tell you this well in advance. Anyone know anything about this?

I just asked this very question at a different school in town, and they said it was fine as long as you had started them before clinicals.

Thanks, SarahBanana..... I was having a little freak out. I e-mailed the nursing coordinator and she confirmed that you just have to have documentation that the shots have been started upon admission!

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.
How can they only have 1 interview day? They interview everyone in one day?!

Yes. Like someone else said, they are group interviews with 4-5 candidates per group -- and if I am not mistaken they are scheduled in the morning and afternoon. I think they are only interviewing about 150 students for the summer. Can't recall how many they admit from that number.

Yes. Like someone else said, they are group interviews with 4-5 candidates per group -- and if I am not mistaken they are scheduled in the morning and afternoon. I think they are only interviewing about 150 students for the summer. Can't recall how many they admit from that number.

24. that is a lot of damn interviews to do in one day. good luck to them, i say. hahahhaa :lol2:

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