UK Nurse Registration Full Application and Assessment stage before OSCE

World Registration


Hi People

I am a UK born citizen trained in Australia hence I am going via the overseas trained route. I passed my CBT test and am in the full application and assessment stage.

I am interested in sharing information with people who are also in this stage of the application.

I commenced my application in 2013 under the old process which was rejected due to lack of clinical hours. I received a letter from NMC advising me of the new process. Like many people on this forum, this entire process has been long, drawnout, frustrating and tedious for me!!!!!!!

Hi Hellsing

Please read message #11 which I sent to meldr it applies to you as well. Basically we just have to wait until they have uploaded and received all our documents. I have submitted all the required documents and I believe that my transcript of training and good character documents have been sent directly to NMC. Hopefully at least by by early/mid March I should have an idea of the decision, OSCE dates etc.

I have no idea about visas as I am a British born citizen hence do not need one. I just made the terrible mistake of studying my nursing abroad....

Hi everyone,

I am currently finishing the registration process under the old system with the NMC. I started my application last May. I have had a horrendous time with the NMC. I am a British Citizen, but have spent most of my life in the US. I studied in the US and became a nurse practitioner. I relocated to the UK for love and to work within a different healthcare model. With that said, the NMC lost my documents 2 times, in spite of it being sent with a courier. In addition, the NMC doesn't give your school of nursing any directive for calculations from credits to course hours, under the North American System.

With much research, the U.S Department of Education has standardized this as a credit hour policy, which all universities abide by. Your University needs to type out each course with the credit hour conversion. I ultimately ended up doing this for my University and had them verify it.

My case was little more complicated due to the fact that I'm working internationally, outside of the U.S.

After about 9 months, I received a letter stating I need to take the ONP. I chose to stay under the old system, because there seems to be a lot of confusion with the new competency test and there were not appropriate reference materials for which to study from. There just seems to be a lot of confusion around the NMC and the NHS right now.

Hope this helps someone. BTW UKGal....don't ever think it was a mistake to study abroad. You have an edge and gained a wealth of experience in nursing from a different point of view. That's gives you greater depth as a nurse.

Hi all,

I seem to be in the same boat, having made the "mistake" of submitting all my documents prior to this change. I was under the impression they could be transferred over as well, so I understand the frustration you're all going through.

Has anyone had any luck in getting ANY documents transferred over? I've asked them to forward my request onto their management team specifically regarding one form since I know that it will take my board of nursing at least 2 months to get a new form over to them. Not to mention there is a $60 fee to get the form. They actually received all of my documents just a month and a half ago. (I was told that my education in the US was not sufficient for ONP.)

I'm interested to know what everyone goes through next, regarding visas and OSCEs.

Hi all!

I will be my booking CBT soon. I'm an nclex passer but i've not practiced nursing for quite sometime and working as hca since i got here in the UK. Any ideas on what material/book i could use to revise for the cbt?


anyone received any news about OSCE?

i'm planning to call the university of northampton on monday to see if they can give me any more information regarding how to book the exam. there's a little video on the university's website regarding the test but it's still kind of unclear. it mentions something about 4 stations (15 mins each) although the NMC site says there will be 6 stations.

Hi @foxtrotunicorns

Are you done with the Full Application and Assessment Stage? I think they will only give u info about the test once the NMC is done with your application and have given you authorisation to take the OSCE.

Hi there, I just want to ask some advice as I have recently passed my CBT too and now on the assessment stage of the application, I just want to know what are the documents that you have send directly to NMC apart from Transcript and Registration verification that will be coming from the institutions directly? Does the references have to be sent by you through the post? Many thanks

Any updates? My documents were submitted almost two weeks ago, and from the States, letters take about two weeks to get to the UK. Haven't seen any changes to my application yet and haven't spoken to the NMC in about the same amount of time so have no idea what's going on right now. Would be interested to hear about any OSCE info/how long it takes the NMC to review an application. @Foxtrotunicorns, were you able to find out anything from the University of Northampton? Thanks!

Hi all!

I will be my booking CBT soon. I'm an nclex passer but i've not practiced nursing for quite sometime and working as hca since i got here in the UK. Any ideas on what material/book i could use to revise for the cbt?


Hi kizmwah! Most of the people revised using the Royal Marsden Hospital Manual, but for my part, I just read the all the publications on the NMC and reviewed on infection control, pateint safety, and care for Dementia, Alzheimer's and Stroke. When do you plan to take your CBT?

On the other hand, I am happy to know that you are from Colchester. I also applied for Colchester Hosp. from Medacs. But I'm still here in the Philippines. They won't deploy me once I am done with the Assessment.

Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I'd be happy to chat with a future co-worker. Take care!

i was in london last week and went into the offices of NMC. i hand delivered my papers to them for my assessment stage since it is a lot of money to send them via post from the US. i also went into a travel nursing company so i got a bit more information about some of the stuff regarding the registration process.

apparently the passing rate for the part 1 test was 6% in november/december but it's since improved and is now around 85%. wow!

still no one has taken the OSCE. apparently the university is a bit frustrated with NMC because they built this new building and spent a lot of money preparing for the test and now they're just sitting around waiting as well.

the assessment stage has quite a few documents you'll have to post and upload. it will cost a bit of money to get them all done and takes at least a few weeks. all the information about what you need to do should be on your online account. NMC says they need 30-90 days to "process and evaluate" the documents. they said they would send an email and update the online account once they have had the time to do that. they also said we can't schedule the OSCE until they've had their time to do their assessment.

i didn't get a hold of anyone yet at the university. they did put up a lot of new information on their site, however, including a video and a document with study materials and an outline of the test. here's the links -

NMC Test of competence

this monday i will try again to contact them. i just want to get an idea of WHEN i can actually expect to do it because the nursing company won't start my visa application until the OSCE is at least scheduled. i've already been set back so much time so i'm anxious and ready for it all to be done.

i was in london last week and went into the offices of NMC. i hand delivered my papers to them for my assessment stage since it is a lot of money to send them via post from the US. i also went into a travel nursing company so i got a bit more information about some of the stuff regarding the registration process.

apparently the passing rate for the part 1 test was 6% in november/december but it's since improved and is now around 85%. wow!

still no one has taken the OSCE. apparently the university is a bit frustrated with NMC because they built this new building and spent a lot of money preparing for the test and now they're just sitting around waiting as well.

the assessment stage has quite a few documents you'll have to post and upload. it will cost a bit of money to get them all done and takes at least a few weeks. all the information about what you need to do should be on your online account. NMC says they need 30-90 days to "process and evaluate" the documents. they said they would send an email and update the online account once they have had the time to do that. they also said we can't schedule the OSCE until they've had their time to do their assessment.

i didn't get a hold of anyone yet at the university. they did put up a lot of new information on their site, however, including a video and a document with study materials and an outline of the test. here's the links -

NMC Test of competence

this monday i will try again to contact them. i just want to get an idea of WHEN i can actually expect to do it because the nursing company won't start my visa application until the OSCE is at least scheduled. i've already been set back so much time so i'm anxious and ready for it all to be done.

Thanks so much for the update! I don't even know where to begin...No one has taken the OSCE?? That worries me a little, because I know that some people passed the exam back in December/January, and possibly as early as November. What on earth is the hold up?

I started the registration process last February. The NMC received all of my documents some time in August/September of last year...right before the changes to the registration process. As expected, my application was rejected due to an insufficient number of clinical/theory hours, and I received a letter from the NMC two weeks later stating that I should re-apply under the new process. Passed my test last month and like everyone else I was told that I would have to re-submit my documents because they cannot transfer documents over to the new system, which, quite frankly, makes no sense to me, but I guess it is what it is. I had all of my documents sent by courier and confirmed online that they arrived in London last week. As of today, there are no updates on my account and I have not received any type of confirmation e-mail from the NMC. I suppose it takes a while, though. Oh, and don't bother calling them to double check that they have received anything, because they will just tell you that they can't confirm anything...which is absolutely mind boggling considering that they had no problem doing so before.

Please let me know what you are able to find out from the University of Northampton! I totally share your frustration/anxiety.

Forgot to add that I think we're in contact with the same nursing's good to know that we can at least apply for a visa as long as we have the OSCE scheduled -- that's been one of my biggest concerns because I am hoping to be in London by this summer.

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