Published Jan 7, 2008
61 Posts
I am so ready to quit my job it's not funny. I got a call today at 10am informing me I will work to 2-10 shirt today (I was scheduled 10-6) Well having a 5 and 2 year old it's kinda hard finding a babysitter on such short notice. So I called them back and told them I could come in at 5 when my husband gets home from work. Thats fine they said. (it wasn't even the don that called it was one of the day shift nurses.) So I get a call just now, the nurse that was do cover my 10-6 calls and said I can't work, you have to . I am like I canceled my babysitter for tomorrow since I wasn't working. She more or less yelled "DON"T ASK ME FOR ANY FAVORS" and hung up. She then called back and said "I am going in at 5 tonight and you will work your own 10-6" So now I am in the process of finding a babysitter for tomorrow so I can sleep and work a 12 tomorrow. I decided I am putting in my notice. I've had it. Nobody else seems to find a babysitter when they are asked to come in and the DON refuses to work the floor. I have just had it. Sorry this is so long I feel a little better now.
228 Posts
That seems like a very unreasonable disorganized place you're working at.
If you don't want to quit (till you have another job) I'd ask to speak to the DON at your facility.
I wouldn't put up with any of that....
sheesh! :icon_roll
5,758 Posts
No way you should have to be putting up with what is going on here. A sane somewhat predictable schedule is not to much to ask, these people are out of line. Not that I have not seen this sort of thing before.
SICU Queen
543 Posts
I guess I'm just an old grouch... because when someone has the nerve to call my home on my day off and tell me "You will do _________" I simply reply right back "Oh no I won't." They can fire me. :angryfire
There's a nursing shortage, you know. Don't be a doormat for ANYONE.
201 Posts
I had this act pulled on me a couple of times when I worked in surgery. So, one time I took my 2 children (5 and 3) in to work with me and left them with the secretary. It wasn't long before I was told by the director that they did not need me that day after all. As a matter of fact, I was never called back in to work extra.
Now that caller ID is available, you don't have to answer your phone when they call again.
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
ooh yes i know that tune.... and i kicked that job to the curb.. get out of there.. they have such nerve .. i would write a letter telling them how uncaring they are about their employees...
Not around here as far as I'm concerned. Every other place I've applied to does not want new grads. The last hospital I applied to told me they didn't need me (my SIL is an R.N there) they have such a shortage they are paying nurses double to triple x to come in. I feel bad for the nurses but administration doesn't need to throw a fit because they a spending so much on staff.
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
Next time, caller ID needs to be in use. When I see it is my job calling, I do not answer the phone, but accept the message. Then, I decide whether or not I want to return the call. If they had not reached you, they would have had to find someone else, and accept whatever days or hours you were originally scheduled for.
In the meantime, think calmly, and decide if you should speak to them or not. If your area is having a difficult time hiring new grads, you don't want to make this ugly. But, I'm telling you...use caller can be your best friend.
Dolce, RN
861 Posts
This is a reason NOT to answer the phone when they call. Allow them to leave a message and call them back at your convenience. Calmly state when you call them back, "I will work my scheduled shift. I cannot arrange child care on such short notice." When they badger you and are rude remain calm and repeat yourself. You have to learn to say "no." They have the right to cancel your shift but they cannot change it on such short notice without your permission.
Your facility sounds very unprofessional.
140 Posts
Smith- I love what you did!
locolorenzo22, BSN, RN
2,396 Posts
I 2nd that Smith! I always wait if work calls, get the message, and then decide if I'm going to call back or not....usually happens that the answer is NOT! They cannot force you to work a different shift than what you're scheduled...I'd simply say "Well, unless you'd like to come babysit my kids for me, I'll be there at 10"....Repeat, breathe, and go....what are they going to do, fire you for NOT working a shift you were NOT scheduled for? stand up for yourself, honey, no one else is going to....
GrumpyRN63, ADN, RN
833 Posts
This sounds like their problem, not yours. Who was the other nurse that went off on you? Does she have a position of authority? If not, I wouldn't give it a second thought they're not paying you to be ( at their beck and) on-call. Most normal people can't be at the ready to rearrange their lives at the drop of a dime. What is the DON's position on this? That's what I would focus on... If she agrees w/ nurse atilla-the-hun, we'll I'd be looking elsewhere, if not, carry on... it's her problem, not yours, Good Luck!!