UCLA New Grad Summer 2014

Nurses New Nurse



This is for those who applied to UCLA's Summer 2014 New Graduate Residency program, to exchange information and questions.

Thanks! :)

I asked the contacts that I was given if they knew when to expect to hear about a decision...but I've heard nothing back. And HR just said hang tight. So that's what I'll do. I didn't want to be a pest either, but I figured 4 or 5 weeks after the interviews, it couldn't hurt to show continued interest.:)

I wish you all the luck, let me know if you hear anything and I'll do the same! It is so nice to finally have someone to talk to who is in a similar situation.:D

Just got offered the position on surgical/transplant ICU....

Just got offered the position on surgical/transplant ICU....

Oh my gosh! Congrats!! At least your wait is over :) Happy for you!!!!

my classmate just got an offer from oncology just so u guys know

Congrats on the job offers!!! :D

lucky duck! congrats!

I called HR about the CTICU because I am getting antsy pants. She wasn't entirely confident, but the lady I spoke with thinks the offer process is still in progress for the unit and that we will "for sure hear back in the next week." Not really the news I wanted since I just want closure, but I will take it.

Sounds like they already made offers for cticu and are waiting for everyone to accept or decline? Not sure....yikes

That was my thinking, but I have only heard of 2-3 people getting offers. Maybe most people that were offered a CTICU position are just not active on here or Facebook. Pretty tough waiting this long though.

for those of you that got positions, can i please ask what your online status was prior to your offer?

That was my thinking, but I have only heard of 2-3 people getting offers. Maybe most people that were offered a CTICU position are just not active on here or Facebook. Pretty tough waiting this long though.

That's what I was thinking too. I only noticed 2 people saying they were offered. Darn it :nailbiting:

I got an offer today, and mine changed to "offer accepted." When I checked it yesterday, it still said "in review."

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