Nursing Students Post Graduate


Anybody waiting to hear news on MSN/FNP/APN admission for Fall 2012? I applied to the MSN-Nursing Admin program and I can't wait till the end of this month to hear the news!!! Gahhhh!!!!:uhoh21:

Haven't heard from everyone that's been waiting....any word on your acceptance? Nervous for you all!

Specializes in Neuro/Cardiac Telemetry.


No I haven't rec'd anything in the mail yet.

However, I did email the Nursing Dept Recruiter Mark Covin and he said not to give up hope at all, because they haven't made all of the decisions yet, and that we could still be receiving letters into mid-April.

So, that makes me feel a lot better about not having heard anything.

@ Izzymo

I still have yet to hear anything. This is torture. But I also called the department yesterday like MarskinRN and heard the same. They are supposedly behind.

But maybe good things come to those who wait?

To everyone good luck!

I have been accepted in UCLA for the AGNP post master's track for fall 2012. but still awaiting UCSF since I live and work in SF! goodluck to us!

Has anyone heard anything?

No word from them yet, still waiting, wishing, and praying. Good luck to all

I am hoping that we find out soon. According to a previous post, those who had been admitted in late March should have notified the school yesterday of their decision. So hopefully the rest of us will either get in or get notified. Fingers crossed!

Specializes in Neuro/Cardiac Telemetry.

I still have heard nothing as well. Getting somewhat anxious. The original letter from them had said 'by the first week of April'....

I am bummed, nothing yet. I have heard from someone at work that they are on the waitlist for the FNP program. This is conflicting information from that which was shared by Mark Coven when I emailed him last week. Per Mark he assured that there were no waitlists yet and all the positions were not yet filled or decided upon.

Confused and anxious.....

Specializes in Neuro/Cardiac Telemetry.

I agree; it would be pretty rude of him to tell us one thing when we call/email and keep our hopes up like this. From what he told me, I shouldn't be concerned at all because not all decisions have been made and we could be hearing back as late as mid-April. Which is totally not in line with the original 'your application is complete' letter I rec'd to begin with. I've got a lot else going on, thank goodness, so I'm not as focused on this right now. But I'm still waiting with sweaty palms when the mail comes every day. This is my dream, and I hope we hear something soon.

I called and spoke to Rhonda. She states that it is to early to loose hope. Per Rhonda (in admissions and recruitment) there are yet no wait list's for the FNP. She also said that by the end of the month is the latest to wait.

Specializes in Neuro/Cardiac Telemetry.

END of the month?! In our original "your application is complete" email I was told first week of April. I'm on pins and needles over here! I'm terrified I won't get in, when this is my absolute dream.

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