TWU Spring 2010

U.S.A. Texas


Is anyone out there applying to TWU for the Spring of 2010? Just thought that I would start a group for all of us hopefuls so we could share information and have a way to communicate with each other.

Have you taken your HESI A2 yet? Have you taken all of your pre-reqs? If not, what do you have left to take?

I have taken all of my pre-reqs, and I just took my HESI yesterday. I didn't think it was bad at all, but I prepared for it for about 3 weeks.

If you haven't noticed, TWU has made some slight changes that I think some people will not be happy with. They are taking into consideration the first grade made at pre-req attempts for several of the classes like A&P, micro, and another class. What do you think of this? I wonder how it will change the applicants chances of getting in?

Good luck and I look forward to meeting you!

Thank you Anny!


1.Assessment Skills Laboratory manuel for Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing.

2.Health and Physical Assessment in Nursing

3. Clinical Handbook for Health and Physical Assessment in Nursing

all 3 by D'Amico and Barbarito and for Nurs3614

for Nurs3813

1. Pharmacology for Nurses (2nd edition)

2. Workbook for pharm for nurses (2nd edition)

both by Adams and Holland

also we will need to buy a $286 software package. It is at Majors.

I can't find the patho book info. I'll have to get back with you on that. She wants us to have the first 8 chapters read BEFORE classes begin. :-)

AnnyLPC, I think you mean the pharm book needs to have the first 8 chapters read before we start class. Believe me you don't want to have to read the first 8 of the patho book. I took it this fall and you don't even cover those chapters. You start with chapter 14 (Endocrine, I think) and go from there.

AnnyLPC, I think you mean the pharm book needs to have the first 8 chapters read before we start class. Believe me you don't want to have to read the first 8 of the patho book. I took it this fall and you don't even cover those chapters. You start with chapter 14 (Endocrine, I think) and go from there.

Is this for the weekend program or the regular program? Thanks !

We had to have the first eight chapters of wht read? I didn't hear anything about that.

For the houston program this last semester fall 09, we didn't have to read anything for pharm

nhoward, can you tell us what color of tee is allowed to wear under scrubs and also tell us about shoes?

what most of my class did was wear a white tank top underneath. Since it's winter now you can wear a white or black long sleeve shirt underneath. And white or black shoes.

I believe Dallas campus can only wear white shirts under scrubs. Shoes, either black or white, but must be all leather.

Don't bother with those 8 chapters of Pharm before the first day of class.

does anyone know about shoes? all they said was all white or all black. does that mean we can wear all white or all black tennis shoes?

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