TWU Spring 2010

U.S.A. Texas


Is anyone out there applying to TWU for the Spring of 2010? Just thought that I would start a group for all of us hopefuls so we could share information and have a way to communicate with each other.

Have you taken your HESI A2 yet? Have you taken all of your pre-reqs? If not, what do you have left to take?

I have taken all of my pre-reqs, and I just took my HESI yesterday. I didn't think it was bad at all, but I prepared for it for about 3 weeks.

If you haven't noticed, TWU has made some slight changes that I think some people will not be happy with. They are taking into consideration the first grade made at pre-req attempts for several of the classes like A&P, micro, and another class. What do you think of this? I wonder how it will change the applicants chances of getting in?

Good luck and I look forward to meeting you!

We did blood testing and had a packet that we have to fill out. We also got Financial aid forms and information.

Saralou! its okay...don't beat yourself up too hard.we did our registration and talked about the program in will also want to get your orientation packet 'cos there are some forms you will need to fill out.

Thanks All,

I have been in contact with the college and they are going to have a meeting with all of the people who couldn't be there last night. I did manage to register from home, but I didn't know if there was a certain section I had to pick. I just picked one and I hope I got the right one.

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.
We did blood testing and had a packet that we have to fill out. We also got Financial aid forms and information.

eeek! Blood testing? I hate getting my blood taken, but I guess I'll need to get over that sometime!

I guess for drug test, right?

or to check for HIV, I'm sure.

Patho final is optional to take tomorrow, but the deadline to take it is Saturday. I wanted to take it tomorrow, but I don't think I'm ready to :( I know this sounds horrible, but I wanted to take it tomorrow so I could go shopping with my mom. lol.

Did they mention at orientation what kind of stethoscope to get and what books are needed for the first semester of the weekend program?

Do we have to be CPR trained before clinicals begin? If so, what are the requirements?


Trying to find Megan, she was at orientation about to move to uptown!

Didn't get her info, but she has mine. Drop me an email if you get this.

I got turned around and then couldn't find you.

Hope to hear from you.

Hi Saralou,

I met with Dr. Sherif and she explained the program to me. I missed the orientation as well. We need to be CPR certified as a healthcare provider. The student nursing association is having a training the week before class. It is $40 and covers everything we need.


Do we have to be CPR trained before clinicals begin? If so, what are the requirements?

I'm pretty sure the weekend program is the same as ours,the regular program,but your going to need CPR that's by a healthcare provider and is American Heart Association approved.

Hi Saralou,

I met with Dr. Sherif and she explained the program to me. I missed the orientation as well. We need to be CPR certified as a healthcare provider. The student nursing association is having a training the week before class. It is $40 and covers everything we need.


Thanks! Did she mention books, uniforms or stethoscope??

Yes. I will post books later. Stethescope is the best you can afford. You should spend about $100. The uniforms are the white top and burgandy/maroon pants. No lab coat. We can wear a long sleeve white shirt under the scrub top. All white shoes, white socks. We can wear street clothes the first day of class (Jan 23rd). She will email us what time our class is. She said it will be 8-noon or 1-5 on saturdays only. The pharm and patho classes are online-but we can attend the one with Dr. macarthy (the class from the bio dept) if we want to, anytime. It is the one that is Monday mornings. I sat through the traditional orientation and Dr. Macarthy spoke. She mentioned that being late is unacceptable. So, if you decide to sit in on her lecture, be on time.


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