Twu Fall 2009 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hello Princess WannaBe and other special Friends:

Soon we will be going through the same agony we just went through recently as we sat and waited on the letters with decisions that were made for our lives at the moment.

We are all going to be positive through this process again and once again

I am positive, upbeat and excited.

TWU Nursing Program here we come:nuke:

Princess WannaBe and others on the waitlist we are still pulling for each one of you to make into the Spring 09 program. Yes, as we know anything can happen...hang in there:yeah:

Specializes in NICU.

Going crazy waiting for April. Still another month to go. I think there will be wil tons of applicants this period with the NET phasing out in the spring. It will be interesting to see what the cutoff GPA will be. Hopefully each campus will take 120 like in the spring. IS anyone applying to any other schools besides TWU????

For myself I am sticking with TWU and praying.

Hi everyone! Hope yall all are doing great. I applied to TWU and am crossing my fingers that I get. I'm doubting it though. I also applied to UT houston and they said that my NET test scores were too low so I barely stand a chance with them. So the question is what are some of yalls net test scores? They only look at the reading score so whatd you get for that score. I didn't do tooo great. lol


My NET Score was a 67 and my gpa 3.71. Stay strong and all things will fall into place.

Thanks! Your NET test score was....are you already a student? Good luck if you're applying!


Not for sure what your message meant so I certainly do not want to jump the gun, but a 67 is in the normal range. I have taken all my pre-reqs plus completed Patho. with a B.

Did you do well?

Oh, no a 67 isn't bad at all. I didn't mean that at all. You just said your net test was a 67...saying was I thought you meant you had been accepted the the program. You will do just fine with those grades!

Oh... I re read thatm essage you were saying you didn't understand. It didn't come out right at all. Lol. I'm so sorry. I meant to say if you aren't already in the program (which it sounded like you were) then you are applying right now correct? And i was just saying good luck. worry! Just a lack of communication on my part for sure. I pray I get accepted, but like I have always said

and my friends on this thread know I remain strong in my faith for sure.

If you need anything please let me know and if you just want to talk I am here.

I am calling it a night and we can talk again tomorrow for sure. I enjoy the thread for sure:)

I can't agree with you more. No matter waht happens I will still remain strong in my faith. That's extremely important. I do hope I get in though. I've heard that TWU treats their students well...over UT houston does. It would be an amazing opportunity. But we can't do anything more. We tried our best and now we have to sit and wait for those letters in the mail. Stay strong and optimistic!

Specializes in NICU.

nhoward I read a little of your story on the UT thread. I think thats horrible they overlooked your application. You sound like a very strong applicant. The avg TWU reading score I've come across is like a 65. I made a 79 on the reading which helped me get on the waitling list last semester. I improved my gpa so now I have a 3.7. If you don't mind me asking what's your science gpa???

I've made my peace with the UT situation. They don't really consider those who are made under a 70 on the reading part, but thank goodness TWU does. I did everything I can do with UT and that's fine. I'm hoping for TWU actually. That's my first choice. My net test is a 67 and my science gpa is a 4.0. the rest of my prereq's have a 3.9.'s that NET test.

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