Twu Fall 2009 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hello Princess WannaBe and other special Friends:

Soon we will be going through the same agony we just went through recently as we sat and waited on the letters with decisions that were made for our lives at the moment.

We are all going to be positive through this process again and once again

I am positive, upbeat and excited.

TWU Nursing Program here we come:nuke:

Princess WannaBe and others on the waitlist we are still pulling for each one of you to make into the Spring 09 program. Yes, as we know anything can happen...hang in there:yeah:


You have all the patience that takes you to attain your goal you just may

not recognize it right at the moment.

I am glad to hear that you are concentrating on some of your grades so you

will be more prepared the next go around.

Please do not give up because anything worth working hard for is important and worth the wait.

Good luck to you in Micro and Patho later.

Keep in touch to let me know how you are doing.

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

Hey kana581,

I noticed that you said you're going to be applying for next Spring. So am I! I just wanted to let you know that they won't be using the NET anymore starting that application period. They'll be using the HESI a2.


As far as the HesiA2 they will be looking at the composite score from several areas that

did not exist on the NET Exam they we have taken in the past.

I have taken the HesiA2 before at the same place Prometrics that will be

administering the test for TWU.

Make sure you get the study guide...very useful and is needed.

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

"The A2 consists of six academically oriented examinations: math, reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, science (chemistry and biology), anatomy and physiology, and critical thinking, as well as three personally oriented examinations: a hearing styles assessment, a personal inventory, and a behavioral inventory. The cost of the test is $85 and a minimum test composite score of 75 is required for eligibilty to the College of Nursing."

I was wondering, what is the hearing styles assessment?

Thanks Rha_hea and nursetobe,

I was actually told about the A2, not too long ago, though they did not go into detail about what the would be looking for in the scores. I'm just becoming very overwhelmed, and school just started. It's so hard, cause I have seen all the people I started with go of to nursing school or change majors, and I am stuck here in Denton :stone ugh! I feel so pressured to finish school, I started the Fall after graduated high school and I feel as if I have not gone anywhere in my life, except a different dorm.:banghead: Anyways I am just ranting now, I just had to get it out of my system.

Edit: THE TEST IS $85!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness I need a job, or I need to start selling some plasma, or something.

Specializes in NICU.

I remember them stating when I took the NET in Aug that they would be using the HESI. I took the test for another program and didn't do too well on the test. I didn't find the study guide helpful at all maybe I just wasn't foucused at the time I took it. That's why I really hope I get in this time

Specializes in NICU.

Nursetobe I read on another post that I think I can take patho in the summer. A few of the old post strongly recommend that I do that for the first semester is really hard

I am going with that is a typo because there is not a hearing styles assessment on the HesiA2...there is a Learning Styles assessment.

I have attached a copy of the faculty grading guide.

TWU wants a composite of 75 and above.


Specializes in NICU.

Yeah from the other Texas schools who require the HESI all of them require 75 to pass

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

Ah, all right! Thanks nursetobe12!

Hello to all Fall 2009 applicants

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing and say hello.

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