Twu Fall 2009 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hello Princess WannaBe and other special Friends:

Soon we will be going through the same agony we just went through recently as we sat and waited on the letters with decisions that were made for our lives at the moment.

We are all going to be positive through this process again and once again

I am positive, upbeat and excited.

TWU Nursing Program here we come:nuke:

Princess WannaBe and others on the waitlist we are still pulling for each one of you to make into the Spring 09 program. Yes, as we know anything can happen...hang in there:yeah:

we wear them to clinicals. I worry about that stuff too. Scrubs Etc. near the school has a great choice of scrubs. I went there after trying a few other places and it was the best.

I am going to the stufy session next Thursday. I hope to get info on some of my questions.

Are u in the fast track program?

Yes, I'm going to that study session thing, too. Maybe that will shed some light on all my last minute questions.

I'm not in the fast track program. I applied but didn't make it in...And now I'm glad I didn't. I took Patho this summer, and all the fast trackers were there doing all their first semester stuff. OH, I felt so badly for them, and I honestly don't know how they were able to stay sane. They were wearing scrubs almost every day, so I kind of have an idea we'll be wearing them more than just when we go to the hospital for clinicals. That's why I was asking that question. The whole first half of the summer, I only saw them NOT wearing scrubs once...maybe twice.

I had been told about Scrubs, Etc. There's a place here in my city that sells scrubs, so I'll try them first. If they don't have what I need, I'll find the nearest Scrubs, Etc. place. Just tryin' to support the local economy, if at all possible! (Small town)

My head is swimming from the FLOOD of e-mails I'm now getting. Enroll in this, read that, take this quiz, do the module, DON'T do the module, print this. OH MY GOSH! Just when I think I have everything together, something else pops up. I sure hope it all comes together on Thursday!

I understand. I have already completed the enrollments, with much frustration. I started working inthe calculations big and i have read the Pharm. I will be glad when we get in there and know exactly what they want. When is your first class, which one will it be.

First class is Pharm (Section 30) on Tuesday morning, then Concepts and Competencies Lecture Tuesday afternoon 1-3:50. Assessment lab Wednesday, C&C lab on Thursday. So, it looks like lecture on Tuesdays and labs/clinicals W and Th. How 'bout you?

Hey Aggie,

I just now saw where you posted your schedule for me to see. I have the same schedule as your. I am in group 37. I have sahagun for both assessment lab and concept clinicals. Where are you sitting in Pharm? I have been sitting on the right side of the room on the isle seat. We should try to get together. Are you going to be going to re-inforcements with Rica or tutoring with Blake?

I look around everyday and wonder which one you are. I am Talia, I have curly, shoulder length brown hair, I wair glasses, and i am baout 5'3".

Hello J2's! I am a J1 starting in a couple weeks. I have a quick question - I hope you can help me. Did you guys purchase the book pkg from Majors? If so, did you get the ebook version of your textbooks (Pharm, NCLEX review, etc) with it? If you did, how much do you use it? I am trying to decide whether to spend the extra $$ for the pkg specifically to get the ebooks cd, since it is the only thing I can not purchase separately and cheaper from other sources. Thanks for your advice!

I bought the book package from Majors. Although it was much more expensive, I was completely overwhelmed by all the information presented at orientation, so I thought it was worth the money to have one less thing to worry about. All the extra stuff you have to buy--the online practice tests, case studies, and Calculating with Confidence--is so confusing, and it took me several weeks to get everything figured out and registered. I was grateful that it was at least all my materials came to me in a few nice, neat boxes. Less crap to sort through the first semester = better.

If you're not thoroughly confused (like I was), then perhaps it would be okay for you to save some money and buy your own books through Amazon. I didn't use the online versions of the texts much, but it was nice to be able to log on whenever you want to read instead of lugging those (very large and heavy) books around.

My :twocents:.

The good news is that you don't have nearly as many books to buy next semester. It's more like $200 rather than $1000.

Oh, and you have to get that NCLEX review thing and the case studies from Evolve. You're going to use those.

Thanks for the advice! I have actually already bought everything from other sources, but just realized that the ebooks are only available with the pkg. So now i am faced with the decision whether it is worth it to go through the hassle of returning everything i have already purchased, and buying the pkg to get the ebooks. it will basically cost me and extra $150, plus my time and energy in packing up these books and sending them back. i even already purchased all the online resources. ugh.

No, no! Don't pack it all up and send it back. The online versions can be purchased through TWU's Evolve sales rep guy. I don't know if you have to pay for it (probably) or if he just gives you a code for it, but I know you don't have to go through Majors to get that done. It's a pretty easy fix.

See? It's confusing as hell, and I about jumped off a bridge before I got it all figured out. Don't lose heart, though. It will all come together, and we can help you.

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