Twu Fall 2009 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hello Princess WannaBe and other special Friends:

Soon we will be going through the same agony we just went through recently as we sat and waited on the letters with decisions that were made for our lives at the moment.

We are all going to be positive through this process again and once again

I am positive, upbeat and excited.

TWU Nursing Program here we come:nuke:

Princess WannaBe and others on the waitlist we are still pulling for each one of you to make into the Spring 09 program. Yes, as we know anything can happen...hang in there:yeah:

I was told at Majors that to get JUST the ebooks would be $600. They apparently sell for 90% of the print books' price. However, Evolve throws it in with the pkg. How do I get in contact with the Evolve sales rep to find out for sure?

I think Majors is full of crap.

If I were you, I would e-mail ***** ***** and ask her. I think she's the one who kind of coordinates with the sales rep guy for Evolve. She should either know the answer or be able to give you the rep's e-mail address.

If it does end up being $600 for the online versions of the books, don't sweat it and don't put a bunch of time and energy into it. It's definitely not worth that. Just make sure you have registered with Evolve for Calc with Confidence, NCLEX review, Jarvis videos, and the case studies, and you'll be just fine.

And make sure you have the Pharm Success book (very valuable, in my opinion) and the Calc with Confidence book. Those may be listed as optional (don't know since I bought the package), but they're really, really NOT optional. You need them!

Thank you so much! I will email ***** *****. I appreciate your help!

AggieNurse2B, what campus are you at? I think you might be at the denton campus? Only reason I say that is because I've never heard of the pharm success book and the calc with confidence book. And what campus are you guys (the ones asking questions) referring to...because there is a chance we might be confusing you more if we are talking about different campus. I'm a j2 in houston

No problem. Wish I had had someone to help me when I was so confused, so if you ever need anything, message me!

I'm in Dallas.

Pharm Success book is GREAT for helping you learn how to answer those critical thinking questions.

Thanks Aggienurse2Be - I am for Dallas too. I do have the Pharm Success book.

Oh okay. That's cool! I think me and you were on here last year at this time hoping to get into TWU! Good luck this semester !! Hear its going to be a toughy

Hey, nhoward! Yeah, we made it in...Now we just have to make it OUT! HA!

Actually, I kind of understand that this semester is not so bad. A lot of work, but not so hard. I guess we'll see, won't we!?! I can't wait. I am having lots of fun in nursing school and learning lots of new things. It's challenging and time-consuming, but not un-doable. I've certainly dealt with worse.

Hey J2's! Hope your semester is going well so far! Anyway, I was just curious, what is your schedule like this semester? I am a J1 and just wondering what to expect in terms of hours in lecture/clinicals next semester. Thanks in advance for your help!

This semester is nutsss. Lol but it's do-able. I'm taking all the classes, you can take all of them are take one of the online classes in the summer. We got to school monday and tuesday until about 1. Then we have 2 clinicals each week (most are 12hrs). then you have 3 online classes. It is intimidating. However, the teachers are great and present everything in a good way to avoid overwhelming you. So hang in there and you are going to do great.

Wow - That sounds intense! Thanks for sharing! Good luck!

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