Took pre-requisites 17 years ago - should I retake?


Hi, I have a Bachelors and Masters degree in non-nursing subject areas but took pre-nursing prerequisites about 17 years ago when I thought I wanted to pursue a degree in nursing (I decided to pursue a Masters in library science instead). I'm now ready for a career change and very sure that I want to pursue a degree in nursing through either an ADN or BSN program. Here's my dilemma: the programs I've looked into in California don't have a recency requirement for the science pre-requisites, so technically I'd qualify for admission, but I'm afraid that I'd be at a disadvantage once I'm in a program because it has been so long since I've taken the science classes. I'm prepared to buy study guides and try to teach myself and review the concept before starting the program, but not sure if this would be enough. I just cringe at the thought of having to take Anatomy, Chemistry, Physiology, and Microbiology all over again. Is anyone in a similar situation or know of anyone who took the science pre-requisites some time ago and was successful in a program? Thank you for your help!:)

My science courses were that old at one time and I had no problems. Anything from the core courses would be reviewed in the first days or weeks regardless. I would not waste my time or money unless there is a possibility that you will seek admission to a program that wants them to be updated.

Sometimes the sciences do need to be repeated because they are over a certain amount of years old. But I am not an you need to contact the nursing program you want to go to. Good luck.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Ha ha, the first time I took Micro they hadnt mapped the Genome. So much changed. I skipped Gen Bio took A&P over great review for those courses, chem I didn't need but had to take it again. It was frustrating but think it was woth it. I had to review Bio concepts and take those science classes it added to my study time. I would take at least A&P again, but I do feel your pain. The class ahead of me said my school does not review, they expect you to know the material from pre reqs, like fluids & electrolytes.

So much has changed in the last 17 years, but I'd still say don't retake the classes. Cali seems to have alot of schools that frown on repeats of both classes and enterance tests (although I am sure they'd make an exception).

It would depend on the program and also your ability to recall that information.

All the programs I'm looking into require micro and a&p to have been taken in the last 5 years.

If they were high grades, & they are not expired, I would not retake them. You can refresh your memory on your own time. Yeah a lot has changed over those years, including the fact that you have access to so much info online that you don't need to pay to do those classes over. Competition is so stiff to get into nursing school though, if they are Cs, I would definitely do them over.

Specializes in IMCU.

I had a degree in microbiology and they still made me take microbiology -- unreal.

Most programs have this recency issue. I wonder if I could have CLEPd out.

Depends on the program, I know some won't take sciences more than 5 or 7 years old. I know someone who had a bachelors in psych and they still made her take psych 101 and lifespan development :rolleyes:

All the schools around here (Connecticut) want the sciences to be taken within 5 years of applying to the program with a specific grade or better.

I can tell you this, I took gen bio around 8 years ago. I got an A+. And went into A&P this past Fall semester. Wow! So much of my AP was based on that bio. and there was so much in that bio that I forgot..I probably (as much as I hate to admit it) would have been better off taking the bio again..or at the very least a refresher bio and then went right to AP

That's a tough one... 17 years is a long time! Most schools require your science courses to be within the past 5 years, which makes sense because so much changes in that amount of time... I would STRONGLY recommend taking A&P over again, regardless of whether it's mandated. You MUST have a solid foundation in this if you want to do well in nursing school. You are going to be responsible for learning so much information in nursing school, you DON'T want to handicap yourself by having to remediate A&P at the same time. That said, I believe that buying a biology and chemistry review book will suffice instead of having to take the courses over again, IF you did well the first time around. Congrats on finding your calling, and I wish you success in your nursing career!

If you decide to not take A&P again. Go to youtube and look up Prof Marian Diamond. She's a part of the reason I got As. I learned so much more from her than I did my from my prof. Wished I had paid her instead of my school!

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