Took NCLEX on 2/17 and failed

Nursing Students NCLEX


I just found out I failed the NCLEX and am devistated! This is absolutely the worst feeling. I even took a Kaplan course, but obviously that didn't help....I'm feeling pretty low right now, does anybody have any studying suggestions for the next time?

I know how you feel and I am so sorry! I took it on 2/11 and found out 2/13 that I didn't pass again. I was heart broken and I am still down in the dumps about it. I honestly believe it is one of the hardest things to come back from because we have put so much time and effort into it. But that is just the thing....if we have made it this far we can pass and we will pass!! I too took a kaplan course and I don't know what to do now because it didn't help:crying2: but I have heard great things about Suzanne's plan so I think I am going to give that a try. Keep your head up and don't give up! When we do pass we are going to be great nurses and never take for granted what we are doing!! Best of Luck!!

Hang in there, i'm in the same boat, failed after the first attempt and still recovering. Stay positive and keep your head up, you'll make it and WILL become an RN. Goodluck, my fingers are crossed for you.

Thank you to everyone who has replied to my posting!! It is soo good to hear all of your kind comments and concerns. It is also good to know that noone is alone in this. It's been a couple days now and I think I'm starting to do better, it's kinda like going through the grieving process!! haha :) I think I've felt every emotion since finding out my results. I can go from laughing to crying in a matter of seconds, but the one thing that keeps playing over in my head is how much I'm going to appreciate that license once I do get it. And I can guarantee I will be a better nurse because of this. I truly believe that things happen for a reason, and I don't know what mine is yet, but I'm sure there is a legitamate reason. Remember God never gives you more than you can handle!! This site has helped me so much, thank you to all!!!

i passed the nclex for the second try, my advice is just concentrate on saunders read it cover to cover, if u still have time go online and enroll at it really helped me a lot and there's a certain question there that appeared exactly in my test.i also answered the whole lippincott QandA that composed of almost 5,000 questions!you can do it and keep your head up high.hope this will work for

Sorry to hear that you didn't pass and hope you consider using Suzanne's plan for your retake. Good luck.

Well now Suzanne's plan is gone :( any more options?!?!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Practice questions making sure you understand what it is being asked, read the rationales making sure you had understood the question. Do not spend too long studying each day, doing to much can do as much harm and not enough. You need to give your brain change to digest what you are doing

Specializes in LTC, case mgmt, agency.
Practice questions making sure you understand what it is being asked, read the rationales making sure you had understood the question. Do not spend too long studying each day, doing to much can do as much harm and not enough. You need to give your brain change to digest what you are doing

Exactly. You may also want to try reading from the Random Facts Sticky. Have faith in yourself too. You have graduated from and completes a nursing school program. That is an accomplishment in itself. Good luck.

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