To get the flu shot, or not to get the flu shot...

Nurses General Nursing


I am a fourth semester registered nursing student in Idaho. Throughout my nursing education, I have never received a flu shot of any kind. The reason is because I feel that I am a healthy 22 year old, and that there are other people who need it more than I do. How do other people view this issue? Is it something that I should consider once I graduate and become a full-time working RN?

"Flu shots can cause mild, short-lived flu like symptoms"

After I received my TDAP I had mild flu like symptoms, but some Tylenol and Twizzlers saved the day. It's not uncommon to feel icky after a vaccine, but it is better than coming down with the FLU.

After my experience with the flu, I would absolutely agree with you.;)

It's your body and your choice.

I have never had a flu shot and never will.

If you don't feel you need one, then you probably don't.

It's your body and your choice.

I have never had a flu shot and never will.

If you don't feel you need one, then you probably don't.

I'm sure some of the people who died last year or who spent weeks on a vent didn't feel like they needed a flu shot.

The bolded statement makes about as much sense as high school kids not using contraceptives because they don't feel like they'll get pregnant.

Feelings should not be the primary reason for making such important decisions.

Specializes in pulm/cardiology pcu, surgical onc.
I'm sure some of the people who died last year or who spent weeks on a vent didn't feel like they needed a flu shot.

The bolded statement makes about as much sense as high school kids not using contraceptives because they don't feel like they'll get pregnant.

Feelings should not be the primary reason for making such important decisions.

Thank you. I am continually disappointed in this profession that so many nurses still feel it's all about them. While I do have my limits, I look beyond myself and think of others and how my actions may affect my patients.

My patients could be you or your's a small world.

Specializes in floor to ICU.

You never get sick. Fine. Good for you. However, getting the flu shot prevents YOU from spreading the virus to OTHERS. It protects the elderly, frail, immunocompromised patients that nurses come into contact with on a daily basis.

Those of you who are anti-flu vaccine: How do you respond to this? Can't wait to hear your rationales.

I don't get the flu shot based on personal choice, not personal experience.

My first obligation is to myself and my family based what I know to be the best choices for us. I have no obligation to put other people's families, including my patients, ahead of me and my family.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.
It's your body and your choice.

I have never had a flu shot and never will.

If you don't feel you need one, then you probably don't.

Seriously? I don't "feel" that I will ever die. No doubt , however, that I will.

A lot has already been said, but I wanted to point out to the few people who've said that no one can force you to take the flu shot, that is incorrect. We have at will employment in the US, an employer can make it mandatory excepting health or religious conflicts. You will find going forward that not all facilities will allow you to make that choice if you want to work there.

Honestly, I don't really fully understand how you an be in the medical profession and be anti-vaccine, it just goes against evidence-based practice, physiology, patho, micro, etc that forms the basis of medical practice. It's kind of frustrating.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.
A lot has already been said, but I wanted to point out to the few people who've said that no one can force you to take the flu shot, that is incorrect. We have at will employment in the US, an employer can make it mandatory excepting health or religious conflicts. You will find going forward that not all facilities will allow you to make that choice if you want to work there.

Not to nitpick, but it is still a choice in that situation, isn't it? Either you choose to get the vaccine or you choose to find employment elsewhere. I guess it depends on which is more important to each individual.

Thankfully, my employer hasn't made it mandatory for employment and I'm not aware of any healthcare facility in my immediate area that has.

Specializes in Operating Room.

OP, how have you skirted around not getting a flu shot in nursing school? Do you choose to wear a mask through your clinicals?

Not to nitpick, but it is still a choice in that situation, isn't it? Either you choose to get the vaccine or you choose to find employment elsewhere. I guess it depends on which is more important to each individual.

Thankfully, my employer hasn't made it mandatory for employment and I'm not aware of any healthcare facility in my immediate area that has.

Fair enough :) . My point was that it isn't ALWAYS optional, as in, at some schools, hospitals, clinics, etc., that choice will not be available to you. Both at my nursing school and my hospital it's been mandatory

Specializes in Infusion.

I have also found that I tend to be more ill when I get a flu shot. I have tried about 5 years in the last 10 or so, and every single time I get the shot, I am almost constantly sick all winter long. So, to my understanding there is something in it that is weakening my immune system.

Here is an interesting website regarding flu shots, just for the other side of the story:

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