Published Feb 21, 2009
83 Posts
so i need to vent :angryfire although i love the profession, i am soo tired of school. i am sick of my instructors.i can tell they are the type of nurses that sit at the nurses station and in the conference room talking about fellow co-workers.i think they are ridiculous and make ns so much more stressful than it already is.they play on favoritism and people kissing up to them.well, im sorry but i kiss up to no1!i don't ever get an attitude, i keep my mouth shut,but im getting to my breaking point! i can't stand when they treat us like we're 15- and i am a grown woman married with children.i don't care that they are instructors, they are not above us!!! you can tell the difference between one that truly cares and one that is there because it is a convenient schedule.i just
keep telling myself 2 1/2 more months and they are out of my life!!!! i will never go back to see them and i probably will forget their names eventually.hmmm....graduation please come!! is this just me or does anyone else have problems with their instructors?
447 Posts
Hang in there! Just let the expirience show you what kind of nurse you DON'T want to be!!
184 Posts
By the time I got done with school, most of my class and the teachers said "nice knowing you" and turned the opposite direction as we ended our last day. We were all so sick of the BS that goes along with school. Those 2 1/2 months will go by pretty quickly...your almost there!
1,051 Posts
I love my nursing school friends. I think a lot of us will be friends long after school is over and done with. I have had a couple of professors that I really liked, a few that were ok, and several who were awful. I agree that it's almost like the make it hard on purpose. I pick up on the attitude that they feel that in order to feel high, and mighty they must show us how hard it has to be. Look where I am, and you have to crawl on your hands and knees to get here. It could be so much easier and simpler if they just wanted it to be. Oh well only 9 more months to go.
HM2VikingRN, RN
4,700 Posts
The last months are the hardest. Its like climbing a mountain. just dig deep and push for the top.
598 Posts
I've encountered the same "Big me, little you" attitude a lot in NS. There's always someone ready to put down others to make themselves feel better.
If it's instructors, I try to remember that there is a reason they are teaching & not making the big bucks in a speciality somewhere. Ever heard the saying, "Those who can't do, teach"?
If it's staff nurses, I remind myself that I'll be working beside them in a few months with a mutual employer who won't allow for staff to mistreat each other.
If I'm ever in a position to mentor a nursing student, I'll try to remember that this person may take care of me in my old age. Knowing that, I'll try to teach them well & not antagonize them!
14 Posts
One day at a day at a time.
That is what I keep telling myself. I have 88 days to graduation. So I am focusing on studying for the nclex and looking for a job which are in short supply here. Good luck.
3 Posts
You are not alone...I feel the same way about my theory least you are almost done...hang in there.
38,333 Posts
Well, you said it yourself, 2 and a half months and this will be behind you. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss these instructors. You should approach one or two of them to ask if they would be willing to act as references for you. You may need their help in getting that first job. Good luck.
271 Posts
I am so glad you posted this --- I am so tired of nursing school too. 82 days till graduation, but I am not sure I can handle it.
I am tired of being made to feel stupid all of the time. (and I think at the end of school I am starting to believe it)
I am tired of having to put the needs of my family second.
I am just tired. I would love to have 7 or 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep one night and not feel guilty about it.
I am tired of having no money and driving a car that is sure to not make it to May. (leaking over a qt. of oil a day as of right now)
I am tired of living with my roomates .. . I can't wait to have my own space.
I am tired of looking for a job . I wish someone would hire me already so that I would not have to stress about knowing where I will be relocating in a few months.
UGH! I hate to wish away time, but I am sooooo unhappy right now.
One day at a time I guess -- 4 school days till spring break.
9livesRN, BSN, RN
1,570 Posts
I can so relate to this!!! i am so tired and i can definately relate to this.
i am on the 3rd quarter of my first semester out of 3 and i am drained, numbed!
i gues we all gotta suck it up!
so many things that i see are wrong at clinicals, so many students complaining of bs, so many crap
1,007 Posts
I am very tired too. I have three more courses to go then I will do my preceptorship. My last course will be in october. I feel very tired of nursing school. Some of these teachers are crazy and self-centered. I am happy I am friends with none of them. I just do my work and move-along. I can't wait for this to be over. I cannot care for myself the way i should and my children miss me. Please Lord help me to endure to the end