Those who got A's while taking 2 sciences together...

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


How hard is it? Did you work while taking classes?

I want to take Anatomy and Chem this fall, and then Physiology and Micro next spring, and I want to get A's in everything. I would only be taking those two classes and working part-time at night.

Does this seem like it would be a relatively easy thing to do for a good student? Or will I be a nutcase who can't get any sleep?

Depending on your commitment sounds doable! Just plan your time, and make sure you consider your personal life, because all those things factor into your performance. I would suggest you give yourself a head start in reading. How i pulled it off was studying before the classes started, this helped me clarify things as opposed to trying to understand things for the first time. I believe all those classes you mentioned have a Lab- they take time to complete assignments and get hardworking group mates for the assignments.

i took the exact same combination of classes that you are about to take. it is very possible...try not to take other classes.....try not to hard....form a good study group with other motivated students...good luck and enjoy! :)

It is definitely doable. I took A & P II and Micro together this past spring and got A's in both. I don't work but I have 3 kids that are involved in every sport imaginable! Just take it one test at a time and try to look over the stuff a little bit every night that way you aren't cramming before the tests. I usually had notes with me when I went places (games, etc) and tried to study when I could. You will do great!

Hi there! Fall of 2008 I took Chem with Gen bio and Dev. Psych. Got all A's. This past semester I took Anatomy with Micro and Nutrition-Got all A's. I have 2 school age kids and I teach Sunday School, so I am busy--If I can do it, You can do it!! Just really watch yourself because things do tend to creep up!! Good luck!


Chemistry is really foundational for biology. I'm not sure how important it will be to have Chem first if your school splits it to Anatomy and then Physiology, but I *know* that taking the chemistry class before the biology classes is what set me up to do well in them. The first unit in A&P and Micro (and general biology, which I also had to take) was elements, atoms, , valence electrons, electrical charges, bonds, chemical reactions, and molecules. If you can't try to take chemistry over the summer, I'd find a way to review all of that before the fall so you'll be familiar with it before the fall.

I took Chem B and A&P I together with College Algebra and a Sociology course and I got A's in all of them. I also got plenty of sleep. All you have to do is be very organized and disciplined. Make a schedule of when you're going to study/do homework and stick to it, I tried to study a week in advance for all my tests and then went over it the day before and the day of the tests. I also used flashcards for A&P. These are things that worked for me.

Wow, all the comments I read above are from super students. I personally would've never been able to pull A's while taking two science courses. Then again, I have three demanding children. Remember, only you know what you're capable of, you know your own study habbits. One suggestion I can add to all the other comments, that was really helpful for me is; try to record your lectures and listen to the recordings while your running around. It's amazing how much we miss out during lectures. Specially if you have a teacher that bases tests on lectures more strongly than text material. Good luck:-)


I took Physiology and Chem, Chem Lab, and Cultural studies all while working 25 hours a week. It can be done, you just need to be very well organized with your time. It can be done! And this semester I took Behavioral Stats with Micro, Micro Lab, and Asian Philosophy and I worked 30 hrs per week....although I did get a freakin' C in Micro...all the rest I got A' now I have to re-do micro in the fall......

Specializes in Couplet Care/Newborn Nursery.

I just finished Micro and APII together and working part-time. It can be done, but you just need to be able to set aside ALOT of time for reading and studying.

I got A's in both those classes, but it wasn't easy. I was constantly studying everyday even if it was just for 30-45 minutes.

Specializes in So far, just the basics....

I think that it's definitely 'doable', especially if you're motivated, which it sounds like you are. I just finished my 2nd term of nursing school and I think that taking 2 difficult science classes together is good practice, to help prepare for the stamina that is needed to survive. Sort of like training for a marathon. i worked less than full but more than part-time, all through pre-reqs, and my lowest grade was one B. Nursing school is really intense; not just because the content is difficult but it's also long days, and late nights, but I LOVE it! Oh and only a few students in my class work, and only very part-time. Unfortunately, I have noticed that the students that have failed out of my nursing school class, so far, are the ones who got straight A's in their pre-reqs, but only took one class at a time. It's really just my own, very unscientific study I've done, but we started with 35 and are now down to 30, and that is the only commonality they all shared. What ever you decide, good luck! And I agree with the post above that said how important chemistry is. I don't really know how anyone could do well in cellular bio, physiology and even micro without having 1st learned the basics of chemistry. And if you don't get to take chem before A&P, maybe you could get a chemistry study book and at least learn about osmosis, diffusion, anions vs. cations and polar vs. non-polar. Trust me!! You'll be glad you did! ;)

And I agree with the post above that said how important chemistry is. I don't really know how anyone could do well in cellular bio, physiology and even micro without having 1st learned the basics of chemistry. And if you don't get to take chem before A&P, maybe you could get a chemistry study book and at least learn about osmosis, diffusion, anions vs. cations and polar vs. non-polar. Trust me!! You'll be glad you did! ;)

If I DO decide to break up my sciences, do you recommend taking chemistry first? I may break it down to do a science with another general ed class for each semester.

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