(8/29) This week, I have learned......

Nurses General Nursing


(Forgive the early submission this week. Got a busy day tomorrow and last week's thread has just changed its code status to DNR, with a discharge to hospice. Thankfully, most of the family agrees. Unfortunately, one person thinks I'm trying to get more inheritance than Farawyn, but thankfully that's what probate lawyers are for.)

This week, I have learned:

Creatinine can go from 9 to 1.9 in 12 hours. Then 0.65, 24 hours after that, with 13,000 mL out in two shifts.

If you're prepared to ask if your patient group can be split up tomorrow, be prepared to be made out to be an a-hole in front of the rest of the staff just for asking.

My legs are a-holes.

Furry woodland creatures are terrifying.

Metoprolol is a hell of a drug.

Cardiologists should consult nephrologists for beta blocker dosing once a creatinine hits, like, 2.

Some patients would rather walk across the room to pull the code blue button rather then push the nurse call button on their remote they've had glued to their hands for days.

It appears the end of August is "Celebrate Right Before Shift Change Disasters" season.

There are two miserable ladies who post in every thread. But now I'll never know who they are.

There is a person with an STD in their colostomy stoma.

An iPhone can delete all of your contacts in one area code and rename all of your contacts 'Steve'.

I am incredibly frustrated that hospitalists don't clarify code status at admission. Families are SHOCKED to consider that just because their kids know what they want, doesn't mean we'll know.

The State Highway Administration employs archaeologists.

My baby turns 8 tomorrow. I remember feeling impatience at the end of that pregnancy because I wanted to KNOW her. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, and has grown more so with every passing year. As fulfilled as I am by being a nurse (I was one of those disgusting "called to it" nurses. Wear gloves when you read my posts, friends. That icky stuff might be contagious.), being Mommy is my one true superpower. :)

What have you learned this week?

Today I learned this exists. Thanks, brother's child.


I wish we could ALLLLLL get together for drinks. That would be so much fun!

I'm NOT driving!

We'll make Dogen drive. He's responsible.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
I'm NOT driving!

We'll make Dogen drive. He's responsible.

Good! Because when I'm not at work I can't be held liable for my actions. Haha! :p

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

I have learned:

Full moons and even saying "chill-day"-not the "Q" word, just the spirit of it-can turn an 180.

That I still have my psych therapeutic technique powers-had to use it on an 11 year old who was diagnosed with auditory hallucinations and developed visual hallucinations who was in crisis with her mother day her side determined to get her the help she needed.

I'm aggressive towards a psych fellow who was rude to me in the past (he basically stole my seat and looked at me up and down-petty, I know)and gleefully so.

I am starting to handle stress and very challenging situations well in the ED and have tons of support, however, I realize I stress eat (pass the buttery, greasy food) as a way to control my stress.

I also learned this week that I scheduled myself 8 days in a row by accident due to my travel plans to Europe at the end of this month; my co-worker joked that he was going to bring his menorah in and light a candle each night I'm there. :p

I also learned that my PTSD is unofficially "in remission" and may be off my atypical antipsychotic soon; which may be also the cause of my stress eating; I'm bittersweet about the experience because I had resolved myself to being the old lady that needed her one pill-it's been almost a year since I've had a crisis and two years of medication therapy.

And saying bittersweet has suddenly made me want chocolate. ;)

Specializes in Behavioral Health.
I'm NOT driving!

We'll make Dogen drive. He's responsible.

We'll take a cab. Dogen is about to finish child and adolescent psychopharmacology and plans to punish his brain with vitamin A.

We'll take a cab. Dogen is about to finish child and adolescent psychopharmacology and plans to punish his brain with vitamin A.

Okay. Dogen is paying for a cab, ladies!

Okay. Dogen is paying for a cab, ladies!

I have 4 free Uber rides.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

I have learned there are some nurses out there who scare the bejeesus out of me. I pray they never take care of me or my loved ones.

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

The last time I went out with a bunch of strange women* was after orientation to nursing school. A guy stopped us and said, "Man, what did you do to end up with all these women?" and I said, "We just started nursing school." He said, "Oh! So you're just one of the girls," and walked away.

* Don't deny it.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
I have learned there are some nurses out there who scare the bejeesus out of me. I pray they never take care of me or my loved ones.

You're not the only one.

The last time I went out with a bunch of strange women* was after orientation to nursing school. A guy stopped us and said, "Man, what did you do to end up with all these women?" and I said, "We just started nursing school." He said, "Oh! So you're just one of the girls," and walked away.

* Don't deny it.

We won't if you wont.

One of the girls. I like it.

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