The Walking Dead


Anyone keeping up with The Walking Dead series? It started back last night. It's in the 10th season now.

I have mixed feelings about the show.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
19 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

The story line lost it's appeal for me. I don't generally watch or read "entertainment" which is so focused upon depravity and desperation.  

Agree, @toomuchbaloney

It hasn't come back on yet since COVID-19 shut down production.

Sad to say (because I did really enjoy the show) it wouldn't bother me if it doesn't come back on.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

I lost interest during the crazy guy with the bat focus.  Nothing seems to be able to inspire or motivate me to give it another look. 

When I think of TWD, I think of Rick Grimes.  No Rick, no interest.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
35 minutes ago, caliotter3 said:

When I think of TWD, I think of Rick Grimes.  No Rick, no interest.

Knowing that he's not part of the ongoing story line, now, seals the deal for me. 

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.
13 hours ago, caliotter3 said:

When I think of TWD, I think of Rick Grimes.  No Rick, no interest.

I know, it's hard to think of TWD without Rick. Just doesn't seem like the same show.  The only two original characters left are Daryl and Carol, though Maggie is coming back next season.  I'm torn on if I want to catch up on the episodes I have on my DVR and pick it up again when it comes back just to see how they bring her back into the fold. 

Plus with so few of the shows I watch being on the calendar this fall it'll be something to watch I'm familiar with. It sounds like it'll be back late fall while most of the network fall shows are being deferred to Spring. 

Well, read today that the planned demise of TWD after a lengthened season 11 has been announced.  Somewhat surprised.  It had been said the show would last at least 12 seasons, although with the added episodes, I guess you could say it sort of made it to 12 seasons.   A new show focused on Daryl and Carol will be coming around.  Now that will be interesting.  How to focus on them without the surroundings and current crew.  I guess they go out west or something.  Past time for those Rick Grimes centered movies.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Thanks @caliotter3

I'll probably hang on until the bitter end.


Even though I was disappointed in the direction the show took, I feel sad.  This show was something to look forward to every week.  If only the honchos had not, one by one, removed the characters that made the show worth watching.  And the poor zombies, after awhile, they always took a back seat.  Will be looking forward to the show with Daryl and Carol.  Hope it is successful.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
21 minutes ago, caliotter3 said:

Even though I was disappointed in the direction the show took, I feel sad.  This show was something to look forward to every week.  If only the honchos had not, one by one, removed the characters that made the show worth watching.  And the poor zombies, after awhile, they always took a back seat.  Will be looking forward to the show with Daryl and Carol.  Hope it is successful.

I agree, @caliotter3. It is sad.

I couldn't wait until it came on every week. And, when a season would end, I'd DVR the final episode and not watch it immediately. I didn't even want the season to be over.

I'm wondering if The Walking Dead: World Beyond will be good?

And, yes, I will watch the new show with Daryl and Carol.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

I was definitely excited about the announcement of the new Daryl/Carol centered series. They are the last of the original cast and I love that they are the characters continuing the story.

I'm also looking forward to checking out the new World Beyond series. I hope they don't do what they did with Fear the Walking Dead. I loved that show the first few seasons but when they killed off just about every character I cared about I stopped watching. 

I've also heard the rumor they are considering a stand alone anthology series that could feature episodes that  flesh out the back stories of some of the characters that were killed off from the original TWD.  I would definitely watch a show that brought back some of my favorites! Merle, Abraham and of course Glenn come to mind.

Merle and Abraham were dolls!

Specializes in Med/Surg.


I almost stopped watching after Glen died (he was one of my favorite characters in the show). But I gave it another shot. Then I totally stopped when they killed off Carl. It's just repetitive now and I honestly don't even have a clue where the story is going.

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