The Truth About Nursing

Nurses General Nursing


I honestly believe that most people don't know what their getting themselves into when they try to pursue a career in nursing. Like seriously!

Today, I asked my closest friend why she wants to be a nurse (she's pre-nursing with me) and she said, "Because of the money, the hot male nurses, and because I like babies".

Lol, she also wants to get her CNA license next spring because she witnessed the birth of her neice and an actual CNA woman who helped "deliver the baby" told her she could be that in just 3 to 5 weeks. I really just wished that woman would've told her that she'll first probably end up working in a nursing home until then some. So now my friend is saving up to become one.

I'm not going to tell her the truth about nursing though, only because she's a grown woman and is capable of making her own decisions and learning about nursing on her own like I had to.

Although, I am secretly steering her to get her ADN first before she goes in debt trying to get her BSN, blindly.

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.
Seriously, LOL "only three 12hr shifts"?! What a fool! He'll learn.. Muwahahahaha!

Ill agree with the only previous job was like 5 to 7 days per week at 16 hour shifts, 12s are a piece of cake to me.

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.
Which specialties would those be?

I got no idea....but guessing the highest percent of male nurses are......ok topic going off track...just ask in the men in nursing forum i sure someone would be glad to clear the air on this.

Lol....Not the urban dictionary definition of "peg" eeeeew. I mean he seemed to be/ act gay...anyways wont say much more than that.

He had sex with other male nurses at work?

How does one act gay?

Lol....Not the urban dictionary definition of "peg" eeeeew. I mean he seemed to be/ act gay...anyways wont say much more than that.

And now I have to go look at what that means.

I got no idea....but guessing the highest percent of male nurses are......ok topic going off track...just ask in the men in nursing forum i sure someone would be glad to clear the air on this.

I am asking you specifically, ArrowRN. Don't be so vague.

Let's hear what you have to say.

Specializes in critical care.
I got no idea....but guessing the highest percent of male nurses are......ok topic going off track...just ask in the men in nursing forum i sure someone would be glad to clear the air on this.

In my hospital and on my floor, I'd guess maybe a third of the employees are male. Only one of them is gay, and he's not open about it because work isn't the place to talk about sexual orientation. Time to shake off the preconceived notions.

Lol....Not the urban dictionary definition of "peg" eeeeew. I mean he seemed to be/ act gay...anyways wont say much more than that.

Yea, um, I just looked this up.

I could have gone through life without knowledge of this.:wideyed:

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
In my hospital and on my floor, I'd guess maybe a third of the employees are male. Only one of them is gay, and he's not open about it because work isn't the place to talk about sexual orientation. Time to shake off the preconceived notions.

I personally know very little about who is and is not heterosexual on my unit. I don't need to know. I'm happily married and not looking for a date.

Back in the day -- 30-40 years ago -- most of the male nurses I encountered WERE gay. How do I know that? Some of them were good friends and told me so. Some introduced me to their male partners. Some sat around and told stories about what went on when they were monks and priests in the monastary or seminary. And I wasn't happily married and I WAS looking for dates. (At Tosh's Tavern, after work, not AT work.) I suspect some of the "preconceived notions" of which you speak were born of reality back in the day.

Times have changed, and of the nurses I KNOW who are straight (or not), the proportion is about the same as people I know outside of work who are straight (or not). But unless you're spending your working hours looking for a date (or the after-work drinks and breakfast), it's not really important or your business.

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.
He had sex with other male nurses at work?

How does one act gay?

Noone was talking about that, the dude I was referring to had a bf, he did not hide this. as to how to act gay...that becomes very vague nowadays. In any case I did not bring this up and knowone really knows who is unless they ask or say something, in any case has no bearing on being a nurse, but the perceptions/stereotypes does affect the number of males who apply to nursing programs.

Specializes in Pediatric.

All the male nurses I work with are married. To women. And I live in a "gay" city. Lol.

Noone was talking about that, the dude I was referring to had a bf, he did not hide this. as to how to act gay...that becomes very vague nowadays. In any case I did not bring this up and knowone really knows who is unless they ask or say something, in any case has no bearing on being a nurse, but the perceptions/stereotypes does affect the number of males who apply to nursing programs.

You did bring it up.

You are correct in that it has no bearing on being a why bring it up?

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.

That girl brought it up she was talking about dating males nurses but then said all of us are either married or gay...thats what she

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