The Truth About Nursing

Nurses General Nursing


I honestly believe that most people don't know what their getting themselves into when they try to pursue a career in nursing. Like seriously!

Today, I asked my closest friend why she wants to be a nurse (she's pre-nursing with me) and she said, "Because of the money, the hot male nurses, and because I like babies".

Lol, she also wants to get her CNA license next spring because she witnessed the birth of her neice and an actual CNA woman who helped "deliver the baby" told her she could be that in just 3 to 5 weeks. I really just wished that woman would've told her that she'll first probably end up working in a nursing home until then some. So now my friend is saving up to become one.

I'm not going to tell her the truth about nursing though, only because she's a grown woman and is capable of making her own decisions and learning about nursing on her own like I had to.

Although, I am secretly steering her to get her ADN first before she goes in debt trying to get her BSN, blindly.

Specializes in Hospice.
And today I am!

The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.

This is because you want me to get an abortion, isn't it?

Just focus on you

Yes it is stressful but on the positive side (if we are able to get a handle on the stress and use decent coping mechanisms ) we truly do have an opportunity to help those in need by communicating our concerns with the dr.s, being thorough, talking with our patients and helping that they feel their needs are addressed. We actually have a lot more control over outcomes than we give ourselves credit for. Most people don't know what a nurse goes through in a 12 hour shift, but if we are to function effectively in our role as caregivers then we have to let some of that stress roll off our shoulders and keep going strong. Nurses are extremely strong and the good ones learn how to handle adversity and keep on rolling.

Ouch! You going to let than one slide Farawyn??

For now. I'm still too traumatized. Don't ******* CLOWN me.

Specializes in critical care.
For now. I'm still too traumatized. Don't ******* CLOWN me.

Just started watching American Horror Story Freak Show. OMG do it.

You people just wanna break my mind, don't you?

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.
There is actually a couple nice looking male nurse who works at the hospital I volunteer at and she got a glimpse of them as well. Lol, and I didn't know there are a lot of gay male nurses...

Yet another stereotype we male nurses gotta deal with :banghead: But anyways for stats I'd say in my class I'd peg 1 guy one of 7 who was gay, never asked him but he was cool otherwise, and rest of us were either married, about to get married or had no there are not heards of gay men flocking to nursing although there are groups of them in certain specialties.

no there are not heards of gay men flocking to nursing although there are groups of them in certain specialties.

Which specialties would those be?

Yet another stereotype we male nurses gotta deal with :banghead: But anyways for stats I'd say in my class I'd peg 1 guy one of 7 who was gay, never asked him but he was cool otherwise, and rest of us were either married, about to get married or had no there are not heards of gay men flocking to nursing although there are groups of them in certain specialties.

If you are married/have a girlfriend, why were you "pegging" the gay guy?

Which specialties would those be?

ICU, man.:inlove:

Specializes in critical care.
Which specialties would those be?

You know..... The ones with the gays.

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.
If you are married/have a girlfriend, why were you "pegging" the gay guy?

Lol....Not the urban dictionary definition of "peg" eeeeew. I mean he seemed to be/ act gay...anyways wont say much more than that.

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