The Trump Thread


Specializes in Med-Surg.

I confess to back pedaling into Trump territory when I wanted to leave discussions about him in the garbage can.  My thread on the read-only break room site has 9,600 replies so I thought I'd bring up a new one.  

He's not going away.

Haberman's book is out based on interviews.  I won't read it, but the excerpts are interesting.  Especially what he says about McConnell, a description that's against the Terms of Service here, but I actually don't disagree with.  LOL


“At one point, Trump made a candid admission that was as jarring as it was ultimately unsurprising. ‘The question I get asked more than any other question: “If you had it to do again, would you have done it?”’Trump said of running for president. ‘The answer is, yeah, I think so. Because here’s the way I look at it. I have so many rich friends and nobody knows who they are.’ … Reflecting on the meaning of having been president of the United States, his first impulse was not to mention public service, or what he felt he’d accomplished, only that it appeared to be a vehicle for fame, and that many experiences were only worth having if someone else envied them.”

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

His character flaws are many. Most of them are obvious if one only pays attention for a short span of time. It's still shocking that the GOP elevated him and that so many voters insist that he should be returned to the presidency.  

Specializes in Med-Surg.
15 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

 It's still shocking that the GOP elevated him and that so many voters insist that he should be returned to the presidency.  

As you know I'm baffled by this.  If only the GOP had right from the election of Biden convinced their voters that the election was legitimate and stand up against Trump.  They didn't and it's too late. It's too entrenched in people's minds that Trump won or at the very least "we'll never know" which is what I've heard from more than one Republican in real life.  

Specializes in Med-Surg.

At a recent gathering DeSantis had with a few dozen donors in Arizona, “everyone asked him about 2024,” according to Don Tapia, a donor who attended and who served as an ambassador in the Trump administration. DeSantis, Tapia said, “is building a base with the Trump people,” but, “right now the Republican base is Donald Trump’s base.”

I don't like DeSantis and explained before how I don't like how right wing he's gotten lately.  Clearly this is to appeal to a radical right base here in Florida and nationally.  But he has experience and isn't stupid and isn't campaigning on the idea that Trump won the election.  

An article about the Trump-DeSantis simmering rivalry.  I didn't really notice because but Trump really hasn't campaigned for him the way he has other politicians.  DeSantis doesn't need him though, he just needs his base and he's got that.  



Specializes in Med-Surg.

I'll have to admit that the conspiracy theory that some Trump supporters are spewing at his rallies that Biden died and is being played by an actor is a new one to me.


“Biden is a fraud, he’s an actor,” said a woman in an “I TQLD YOU SO” T-shirt who declined to give her name. “He died in 2019.”

Lisa Pyle, who came to the rally wearing a Q hat, said the Jewish New Year a few days after the rally would be the occasion when the Supreme Court would reveal that it had overturned the 2020 election.

“You know Joe Biden’s not the president,” she said. “That’s someone playing Joe Biden. It is. I know you want to laugh. I’m not joking.”

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
2 hours ago, Tweety said:

As you know I'm baffled by this.  If only the GOP had right from the election of Biden convinced their voters that the election was legitimate and stand up against Trump.  They didn't and it's too late. It's too entrenched in people's minds that Trump won or at the very least "we'll never know" which is what I've heard from more than one Republican in real life.  

Yep. This intentional destruction of trust in our election processes is typical of right wing authoritarians. There's another real life example stirring up similar anxieties in Brazil at this very moment. 

It's difficult to determine if GOP elected officials are ignorant of danger of destroying confidence in elections or if they just don't care. The GOP elected officials certainly behave as if they think it is a clever strategy to sow seeds of distrust in elections and then use that sown distrust as a foundation for their anti-democratic attitudes and activities. Their voting base repeats those sentiments.  



15 minutes ago, Tweety said:

I'll have to admit that the conspiracy theory that some Trump supporters are spewing at his rallies that Biden died and is being played by an actor is a new one to me.

It's a bit unnerving when the crazies are calling the shots in one of the two political parties, isn't it? I mean, McConnell may not be immersed in the conspiracy culture, but Trump is.

4 hours ago, Tweety said:

I'll have to admit that the conspiracy theory that some Trump supporters are spewing at his rallies that Biden died and is being played by an actor is a new one to me.

That is some crazyness.  Although, I do have my doubts how much he is actually running things.

Stay safe with the hurricane coming your way.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
34 minutes ago, Beerman said:

That is some crazyness.  Although, I do have my doubts how much he is actually running things.

Stay safe with the hurricane coming your way.

Trump has developed a very dangerous social movement through GOP politics.  Unfortunately, this corrupt Trumpism will long outlive the fellow who brought it to life. Trump, per se, may not be running things but his ideology seems to be. 

Specializes in Med-Surg.
2 hours ago, Beerman said:

That is some crazyness.  Although, I do have my doubts how much he is actually running things.

Stay safe with the hurricane coming your way.

Thank you.  It's looks like for sure my area is going to be affected.

I think the left and mainstream media is guilty of some hyperbole and you have to sift through that.  

I don't think he's running things but clearly is having an influence and the republicans that are actually running things aren't doing anything about it because his base can sway things.  Look at what happened to Cheney.  The people in Wisconsin are behind Trump and he's not even running for anything but say anything against him and you're out.  

My dream is we get through this period and he doesn't run for President again.  


Specializes in Med-Surg.
1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Trump has developed a very dangerous social movement through GOP politics.  Unfortunately, this corrupt Trumpism will long outlive the fellow who brought it to life. Trump, per se, may not be running things but his ideology seems to be. 

I do apologize for not really taking you seriously a year ago when you were warning us.  I do think his ideology, while not the ideology of Republicans, is heading towards scary territory as he starts to fuel Q-Anon and other conspiracy theorists and the people at his rallies become more...for lack of a better term...wacko batshite crazy

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

Great thread idea, Tweety.  I honestly believed Trump would head off to some semblance of post-presidential obscurity.  Work on his library, get paid 5 figures a pop for speeches, the usual stuff we see from both sides in recent decades.

A naive prediction on my part, I admit.  Anyway, now I have a safe place to vent without being accused of TDS! 


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Despots don't retire quietly to the seaside.  

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