The Spring '05 Anatomy & Physiology Club: A&P 2

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi all! Just thought I'd go ahead and start this. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas (or whatever you celebrate!) I'm very much enjoying my family time right now.

Spring semester starts January 5th for me, and I'll be taking A&P 2 and College Algebra. Hope to see lots of you posting here like last semester :)

bebenurse, I also struggled with the resp. sys. .... it just is so hard to remember all those vol. and capacities and which way O2 and CO2 are moving and where. But I just sat down and really memorized all the vol. and capacities and then tried my best to understand the processes. What book are u using ? Sorry I can't be more help.

bebenurse, I also struggled with the resp. sys. .... it just is so hard to remember all those vol. and capacities and which way O2 and CO2 are moving and where. But I just sat down and really memorized all the vol. and capacities and then tried my best to understand the processes. What book are u using ? Sorry I can't be more help.

Thanks wanabebabynurse, sometimes it helps for someone just to say.......i buckled down and did it until I got it. NO better advice. Thanks so much I'll let you know how I did.!!

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

I'm having such a hard time with this Cardiac/vessel unit, that I'm probably going to spend ALL of my vacation studying, and not taking off the 2 days I wanted. I tried just relaxing and watching TV a little yesterday, and felt GUILTY that I didn't have a book or flashcards with me for commercial breaks.

I MUST get a good grade on this upcoming exam! If I don't pass the course with an 80, I'm as good as done w/this school for nursing. They only offer A&P2 once a year, in the spring, so I'd be OUT for another year, and I'm planning on starting Med/Surg again next spring.

Why can't my lecture exams be like my lab quizzes, where my LOWEST grade so far has been an 80??? We had 2 quizzes last week, and I got 100 and 110 on them! I'm lucky that our lowest grades get thrown out in both lecture and lab, so hopefully that darn 69% on the first exam will be tossed (IT MUST!!). I found out that I wasn't the only one to have trouble. All of my close buddies did well, in the high 80's and above, but the "slackers", whom I didn't think slacked that much, got in the 40's!. The class average was a 53! Yikes!

Okay, enough Allnurses! Back to studying.....

Specializes in NICU.
Jen! (SCMomof3) I had no idea you had started this thread!! :lol:

Sorry I'm really late. I'm Celeste and I'm taking A&PII again. So far so good. I got a 91 on my first lecture test but a 74 on my lab practical over blood cells. I was NOT happy with that 74.

Yesterday we had a test over the cardiovascular system, I think I did pretty well. We'll find out next Wed!

Hi Celeste!!! :) Good to see you here!

I took exam 2 today (cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, and resp. system) and it was not nearly as bad as I'd feared!! I got a 91 :balloons: I am thrilled. I don't know how you all handle it - those who have to wait DAYS for your test score. I was sitting here checking online every 10 minutes today!!!! LOL

Tomorrow is my lab practical on the resp. system. Haven't studied at all. I was too caught up studying for today's test and then my two algebra tests this week. Hopefully I will have a few minutes to study in the morning. I am not too worried about it. I just cannot concentrate on A&P lately. :uhoh21:

Specializes in NICU.

Whitney - good luck hun {{{hug}}} Just think things through. That is what really helped me with this unit. Sometimes it looks so confusing but if you think it through and even work it backwards in your head, it makes sense. To me at least LOL My mind works funny sometimes! How awesome that you get to drop a lecture AND a lab grade! We only get to drop our lowest lab.

bebenurse - Same advice - think it through :) Good luck!!!

Whitney - good luck hun {{{hug}}} Just think things through. That is what really helped me with this unit. Sometimes it looks so confusing but if you think it through and even work it backwards in your head, it makes sense. To me at least LOL My mind works funny sometimes! How awesome that you get to drop a lecture AND a lab grade! We only get to drop our lowest lab.

bebenurse - Same advice - think it through :) Good luck!!!

you are lucky to be able to drop any! We don't get to drop any and in lecture only have a midterm and final...and quizzes. i took my lecture midterm yesterday and got a 96 i have my lab midterm tomorrow...i hope i do as well ...or at least close.:p

good luck to everyone....just a little longer til spring break!!

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

Well, spring break is over here, and we have our 2nd (yes, only the 2nd of the course!) tomorrow. I MUST pass w/an 80 or better. So far, I only have a 69% in lecture, but an A in the lab. I NEED to get that 69% dropped!

So I'm just taking a *little* break from studying right now. Back to the books in a few. I vowed to study at least 4 hours today, and have about 1 1/2 under me now. Lots more to go!

How is everyone else doing, or all you still on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale??? LOL

Well, spring break is over here, and we have our 2nd (yes, only the 2nd of the course!) tomorrow. I MUST pass w/an 80 or better. So far, I only have a 69% in lecture, but an A in the lab. I NEED to get that 69% dropped!

So I'm just taking a *little* break from studying right now. Back to the books in a few. I vowed to study at least 4 hours today, and have about 1 1/2 under me now. Lots more to go!

How is everyone else doing, or all you still on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale??? LOL

That's what our AP2 prof said last week - take your books to the beach for spring break....I said what beach? Okay, I guess I can lug in a sand bag or two (you know, the ones we had to fill and pile around our house a couple of months ago to keep from floating away!) and I can pile those dudes up under my desk and prop my feet up...turn on my big light and shine it just right and maybe..just maybe..I will feel like I am at the beach.

Actually my spring break I have not done much studying. Trying to get caught up on all the housework and laundry that has been suffering for the last 2.5 mohs...however, I too feel guilty because I am not reading AP2 or something else school related while I am waiting on the spin cycle to finish! :chuckle

I got in a good movie today - one I've wanted to see forever, Notebook. It was really good. Just what I needed to relax. Tomorrow I am going to dive back into school stuff even though break isn't over. I am enjoying this 'time off' way too much! I don't want to go soft or anything.... Plus with all the bad talk about the resp system I better get busy. We studied the anatomy before break - doing the physiology when we get back. One week later we have our 2nd of 3 lecture exams covering respiratory, lymphatic and digestive. The fun never ends!!

And SCmomof3...I have been checking on-line for several days now for a grade that was supposed to be posted Saturday afternoon and is still not there. YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! Should have known it was too good to be true. She never does things like that.

Everyone that is on break or still to have break - enjoy....try not to feel guilty for taking time for yourself. I know it is hard, but darn it...we all deserve a little break, right!

- Traci

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

Well, we took out 2nd exam ---- FINALLY! Took it LAST Thursday, and STILL don't have the grades yet. She promised to post them on Blackboard by yesterday, and, uh, didn't.

We had class Monday, and don't have it or lab again until Thursday. Benefits of a Catholic college - EASTER BREAK! I actually have more time off on Easter break than I did on spring break a couple weeks ago. Go figure!

We've started the lymphatic system - OY!! Lotsa studying going on here now. Damn, there is a LOT to remember/memorize in this chapter. Any good study tips for it???

I truly don't think there is much worse with school than waiting on exam scores! Our prof never did post ours while we were on break. However, she did pass them back on Tuesday. A little disappointed - 44/50, for a final grade of 88% - first B. However, when there was only 1 A and all my buddies got C's or less, I am not complaining!

Have 2nd lecture exam next Tuesday covering Lymphatic (I know what you mean about memorizing info!!), Digestive, Respiratory and Nutrition. Yikes...

The upside? Only 6 more weeks in this semester! Can I get an amen??

Anyway - continue the hard studying everyone. BTW...hope you find out your score soon!

- Traci

Whew, amen on there being only 6 more weeks left. This semester has been really bad for everybody I think ! I just finished cardiovascular lecture test and got a 94 !! I was very happy with that. Best wishes everybody. I'm doing lymphatic next.

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

I *finally* got my grade for our 2nd exam - an 85. I'm sort of bummed. 80 is passing, but I studied so long and hard for that exam, I really thought I'd be in the 90's.

We haven't had class since last Monday (back tomorrow!), and we are sooooo far behind the syllabus! We're supposed to have 4 exams (one grade of which will be dropped) and then a cumulative final. We only have 4 weeks left of the course! And we're not even DONE with the lymphatic/respiratory unit yet (finished the lymphatic, not even STARTED the respiratory unit), and the syllabus states our 3rd exam on Monday. NO WAY that's going to happen. Our last exam was about 2 1/2 weeks late. :(

My only saving grace now is my high grades in lab. I think that may be the only thing that saves me. I'm going through a now-nasty seperation, and my mind is just not in this anymore.

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