I worked my booty last night with my first crrt patient. All the other nurses were slammed so I also was helping them when I could... 7 am rolls around and I just finished cleaning room & getting all my numbers. I go out to my chart & chair next to room where all papers are & theres a student in my seat. I wouldn't have cared excerpt two things. She had moved everything around and when I went to get my stuff I had to work around her. She was so intent on reading the h & p on the computer. She didn't acknowledge me or move when I went to at least move my jacket she was leaning on (on my chair). I tried to hint I needed the spot to chart. When it was obvious she wasnt budging I walked halfway down the hall to get a seat & come back next to her.
Student nurses I love teaching & even if I'm not going to have you I will try to teach you something but if you come in with tunnel vision & don't see those trying to finish up and hinder them. You may limit your own opportunities.