I just got the results. I failed NCLEX-RN...again, for the fourth time. I have spent so much money in flights to those countries that have the NCLEX-RN (US$5000)...not to mention the NCLEX-RN testing fees. The results really show me something. Are my study methods inefficient? For the past few months leading up to the test, I've been studying for the test in my native language (Korean). I haven't seriously tried Suzanne's method. I tried that Mosby's website for a month but, after awhile, the questions started repeating themselves.
I'm really scared now about what to do in the future. Should I give up and try NCLEX-PN or re-try NCLEX-RN again? Is NCLEX-PN a watered-down version of NCLEX-RN? If I can't pass NCLEX-RN, what future do I have? I'm 40-years-old and this is the only profession I know. Is God sending me message in all this? I wonder what he wants me to do. Another path?
Anyone, please give me some advice. I'm in Doha, Qatar. If someone reading this can help me, please PM me. :uhoh21: