The percentage of fail and pass?


Specializes in Case Management, Psychiatric Nursing.

Is there a big percentage of people that pass there nclex on the first time?

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

85% pass the first time. Thats good odds.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Sats can be found on the NCSBN website and usually in the 80's for first time takes trained in the US and 45% ish for foreign trained first time takers.

Specializes in Case Management, Psychiatric Nursing.


well looks like im one of the 15% that failed,


well looks like im one of the 15% that failed,

dont worry, same here.. i cant believe that the percentage is so high for the ones that pass.. i keep wondering where the **** did i go wrong..?!

Specializes in Case Management, Psychiatric Nursing.
dont worry, same here.. i cant believe that the percentage is so high for the ones that pass.. i keep wondering where the **** did i go wrong..?!

Yep it was so devestating but what can we do other than study like there is nothing else to do. I start an lvn seminar course on the 6th so well see how that goes. Did u get a next test date yet?

yes i have scheduled exactly 45 days of my first exam date.. which is the minimum i have to theory behind that is if i wait too long, i dont want to forget the base knowledge i already have from nursing school.. our school teachers had encouraged us to test as soon as possible because as time delays, we will forget more things.. therefore; forty five days is enough for me.. i am studying every day, and making sure i address my weaknesses.. i also am going to start kaplan .. and my next exam is going to be in mid august..

The percentage doesn't matter, except to make someone who didn't pass feel worse. If you are the one person whose vehicle gets T-boned in an intersection by someone traveling at 70 miles/hr, it doesn't help you feel any better to know that you are in the 0.001% of people this happens to. If you didn't pass, start preparing to pass it the next time around. Good luck.

The percentage doesn't matter, except to make someone who didn't pass feel worse. If you are the one person whose vehicle gets T-boned in an intersection by someone traveling at 70 miles/hr, it doesn't help you feel any better to know that you are in the 0.001% of people this happens to. If you didn't pass, start preparing to pass it the next time around. Good luck.

Very nice way to put it. Thanks. :) I know I WILL pass my exam the second time ! For sure!.. Confidence, Confidence is the KEY!

Specializes in Case Management, Psychiatric Nursing.
yes i have scheduled exactly 45 days of my first exam date.. which is the minimum i have to theory behind that is if i wait too long, i dont want to forget the base knowledge i already have from nursing school.. our school teachers had encouraged us to test as soon as possible because as time delays, we will forget more things.. therefore; forty five days is enough for me.. i am studying every day, and making sure i address my weaknesses.. i also am going to start kaplan .. and my next exam is going to be in mid august..

Hmm maybe ill try and to get my date set up as well. i was under the impression that we have to pay $78.00 just to gre re-registered then 3-4 weeks later we will be able to set our date did u have to pay the $78 and im in Cali if that makes a difference.

Specializes in Case Management, Psychiatric Nursing.
The percentage doesn't matter, except to make someone who didn't pass feel worse. If you are the one person whose vehicle gets T-boned in an intersection by someone traveling at 70 miles/hr, it doesn't help you feel any better to know that you are in the 0.001% of people this happens to. If you didn't pass, start preparing to pass it the next time around. Good luck.

Thanx for your awesome advice! Im determined to pass i feel like nursing is truly my calling and i will keep taking it until i pass which hopefully will be one more try and i pass!!

Thank YOU !

Hmm maybe ill try and to get my date set up as well. i was under the impression that we have to pay $78.00 just to gre re-registered then 3-4 weeks later we will be able to set our date did u have to pay the $78 and im in Cali if that makes a difference.

ohh.. i dont know how you will have to go about..but here in ny.. all you have to do is reapply at pearsonvue.. register at and pay the 200 dollars.. and then the ATT is sent in the email.. i dont have to pay the BON another 90 dollars for license fee.. and the my ATT starts from my time of "validity" which is 45 days from my initial exam.. hope this helps.

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