The Final Countdown....


I have always used this site, before nursing school, during and even now as the countdown is at 20 days before my NCLEX exam:eek: I want to say that I am very thankful for everyones links and advice. I just wanted to let everyone know how grateful I am:bowingpur.

To others just starting out, just one piece of advice that I looked at everyday on my fridge before class or clinicals...Never, Never, Never Give up :nurse:.

You are right!!Never Give Up.

Im testing in 16 days...Counting down right along with you :)

How are you studying? What review books are you using?

Good luck & many blessings to you.

I am an LPN nursing student and I want to start doing some NCLEX reviewing - what did you guys use for study material? Good luck to you both!!!

Specializes in Trauma, ER, ICU, CCU, PACU, GI, Cardiology, OR.

i have no doubt that you will pass with flying i wish you the very best in your nclex results...aloha~

i use kaplan book for nclex-rn i have the 2010 and 2011, i use the cd, lots of questions. (awesome) (really good!) 35 pages of great notes!!!)

i use these main things.

i have a six month old and a 6yr old, so i study/do questions in the morning and then study/do questions at night, when its quiet.

i try to do 100 questions a day, next week its 200questions. i make sure to review all the answers and immediately look up things i dont know.

aishaj10i aishaj10 aishaj10~ i wish you lots of luck and may your head be filled with all the knowledge you acquired throughout nursing school ;)

chriscrow~ i would definately start studying now, i wish i would have found these particular sites, they help sort through the fluff they add during nursing school. its never too soon!

gitanorn~ mahalo! i hope the hard work/time spent is worth it. er here i come!

I used Kaplan! My school made us use them....and it actually worked for me. I don't know if you just buy the book if you get the online stuff...but if you can pay to use their online question bank..called the "q bank"..DO IT. It has 1500 questions. My instructor told me that if you reach 1000 question by the time of you're exam, the pass rate is like 98%. So for the month before my exam, i did 50 questions a day (like an hr) Monday-Friday. I ended up doing something like 1200 questions. I got 70% percent of them right by the end. And i passed my first time....SO IF I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU!

when i finished my exam, i walked outside and balled all the way home. Literally cried so hard because i thought i failed. and i didn' BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

Good luck! Trust yourself!

Good luck! I passed NCLEX last month with 75 questions and walked out of the testing center with a smile. I did the Hurst Review and all of their q-reviews, 2500 questions on prep-u, and went through my Lippincott NCLEX book. A lot of questions really helped. My biggest piece of advice would be to stop studying and reviewing and doing questions a day and a half before. Relax and go in with a clear mind.

Good luck to you!!:p

less than 24hrs left before NCLEX, and spending the day reviewing and relaxing in the bath with a good book, NCLEX book that is....Hopefully after today I can pack up all these books and look in the mirror and say "Hello RN:nurse:"

At West Point we had to memorize some weird, yet traditional poems..I modified this one...I think it fitting at this point in my life:bugeyes:

This is my NCLEX book. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my NCLEX book is useless. Without my NCLEX book, I am useless. I must fire my answers true. I must shoot straighter than the who is trying to kill/conquer me. I must conquer him before he conquers me. I will. My NCELX book and I know that what counts in on test day is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit true.

My NCLEX book is human, even as I am human, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strengths, its parts, its accessories, its insights and its tenacity. I will keep my NCLEX book clean and ready, even as I am sharp and ready. We will become part of each other.

Before God I swear this creed. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.

Wish you the best of luck!

I just got done at 11am, My appointment was at 8am. I got to 76 questions and my heart sank.:flamesonb I took a break and came back and ate something, went back in and got to 100 and took another break,:sniff: I sat back down and realized I was getting tons of psych meds, more than 20 sata, and lots of priority. I was getting beyond frustrated.

I stopped looking at the number of questions and took one more break at 145. I came back sat down and it shut off at 147.:bugeyes: I left shaking and my stomach was in knots. Of course I was the ONE to get psych questions and tons of meds, both of which i rarely studied in the last couple of months. I came home and then on here skaing and crying and followed the pearson vue trick...:yeah:it gave me the good popup at 12:00..Ill keep you posted on if it was right when I call tomorrow.

But for now:cheers: its martini time....finally!

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