This is probably going to come across as harsh and mean, but sometimes I look around either on here or at colleagues also working on their nursing pre-reqs, and I think "THIS is my competition?!?!"
Does this happen to anyone else? The thing that bugs me is likely, a lot of the "competition" will be accepted before me, because they were able to not work full time and attend classes. They may be book smart, but have no common sense....
I'm really not trying to be mean I'm just curious if anyone else experiences this or did once experience it and is now enrolled in a nursing program......
I've been a CNA for 5 years, 3 of them in a hospital setting, and I know this is what I want to do for a living. I feel like I have a better understanding than most of what nursing is really like, although I know it will be even more so when I'm actually employed as a Nurse. That being said, the school I go to won't consider my years as a CNA when I apply for the RN program. They base acceptance on nothing but GPA and high TEAS scores.... I hate it.
Here I am, with a willingness to learn and grow and darn near certain Nursing is what God put me here to do. I have worked along side awesome Docs and Nurses who want to teach me and sometimes even take extra time to show me skills because of the interest I show. And it counts for nothing. Ugh! It makes me so angry.....
Then there is the new high school grad who is able to stay home with Mom and Dad and focus of their studies resulting in a great GPA. They aren't really sure what they want to do in life, but maybe Mom is a RN, so they decide to apply for nursing.....and they get in.
And there's me, with the above experience but not the greatest GPA because my Husband and full time Job require so much from me that my studies have suffered, But I am absolutely sure of what I want to do and I am really good at what I currently do. There is no doubt in my mind I'll make a good nurse someday....
Anyways, Just a vent. I really think more than GPA should be considered for nursing school, and maybe some schools do take healthcare experience into consideration, I don't know. I just can't help but feel defeated when I think about it.....